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Yves Martin edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 4 revisions

Synology synogear "Diagnosis Tool" FAQ

This does not concern a SynoCommunity package but diagnostic tools provided by Synology. Reference in German is available at:


Connect to SSH with administrative account that have sudo rights.

To check installation has never been done, switch to root first and invoke synogear list:

$ sudo -s
# synogear list
Tools are not installed yet. You can run this command to install it:
   synogear install

So go on with initial setup:

# synogear install

Available tools

Still as root, invoke:

# synogear list
All tools:
addr2name	iftop	   nethogs	      pstree	     sockstat	       traceroute6
arping		iostat	   nfsiostat-sysstat  pwdx  tracert6
ash		iotop	   nmap		      rarpd	     strace	       uptime
bash		iperf	   nping	      rdisc	     sysctl	       vmstat
cifsiostat	iperf3	   nslookup	      rdisc6	     sysstat	       w
clockdiff	kill      rltraceroute6  tcpdump	       watch
dig		killall    pgrep	      sa1	     tcpdump_wrapper   zblacklist	ldd	   pidof	      sa2	     tcpspray	       zmap
file		lsof	   pidstat	      sadc	     tcpspray6	       ztee	ltrace	   ping		      sadf	     tcptraceroute6
free		mpstat	   ping6	      sar	     telnet
gcore		name2addr  pkill	      sh	     tload
gdb		ncat	   pmap    top
gdbserver	ndisc6	   ps		      slabtop	     tracepath


You can now invoke available tools, either as root or with regular account. Here is an example with nmap:

$ /var/packages/DiagnosisTool/target/tool/nmap --version

Nmap version 6.47 ( )
Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu
Compiled with: openssl-1.0.2e libpcre-8.41 libpcap-1.6.1 nmap-libdnet-1.12 ipv6
Compiled without: liblua
Available nsock engines: epoll poll select


Package Center now shows an installed package "Diagnosis Tool". Select "Uninstall" action to proceed.

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