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Using wheels to distribute Python packages

Michael Reid edited this page Feb 16, 2025 · 38 revisions


If your SPK uses Python packages you can use the 'wheel' format to distribute the packages together with your SPK. Read up on the format here.

Pure-python, cross-compiling using python crossenv or api/abi limited

Generally speaking, there are tree types of Python packages:

  1. Pure-python packages. Wheels are platform independent and self-contained for the most part in terms of dependencies;
  2. Packages with (optional) C-extensions. These packages have to be compiled with GCC, and require a (cross-)compiled Python to be available along with setting up a Python crossenv being setup;
  3. Packages with enforced limited api/abi where you may need to limit API compatibility to Python 3.x (cp3x) and ABI to Python 3 (abi3). Other than that, these are similar in every way to (cross-)compiled wheels using Python crossenv.

For spksrc specifically, we also define a fourth type of package that meet any of the following two types:

  • Packages with C-extensions, which depend on other cross-packages at build time;
  • Packages that need patches to be applied in order to create a working wheel.

This type of package generally requires a new spksrc cross package to be created. Generally speaking, these packages will also require a (cross-)compiled Python to be available.

How does spksrc handle wheels?

By default spksrc does not include pure-python wheels but rather download them at installation time using pip.

Otherwise, spksrc uses 3x distinct requirement files to handle wheels to be added to the WHEELS variable in the SPKs Makefile:

  • requirements-abi3.txt is for api/abi limited packages
  • requirements-cross.txt is automatically generated from spksrc/cross/<package> using target
  • requirements-crossenv.txt is used for cross-compiled packages using python crossenv
  • requirements-pure.txt is user for pure-python packages

Any other given name will be treated as Python crossenv (cross-)compiled type (although Python default normally is requirements.txt). This default behavior of (cross-)compiling using Python crossenv can be changed by setting WHEEL_DEFAULT_PREFIX=pure as needed. In order to create reproducible builds, all the required packages should be frozen to a specific version (e.g. docutils==0.17.1).

The general building steps are the following:

  1. spksrc will store a requirements-crossenv|pure|abi3.txt in $(WORK_DIR)/wheelhouse.
  2. From there it will compile each of the needed types of wheels and then store the original in $(WORK_DIR)/wheelhouse.
  3. Finally, spksrc it will rename the wheel so it always matches the machine-name of the target DSM and copy to $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/share/wheelhouse for later packaging along with creating a consolidated requirements.txt that will include all wheels of any given type. The renaming process is mandatory for arm arches as they need to exactly refer to the device machine hardware name (e.g. armv5tel and armv7l)

As for the fourth type of package (e.g. with C-extensions, which depend on other cross-packages at build time or that needs patches to be applied), a requirements-cross.txt is being generated in background and added to the consolidated requirements.txt used at installation time.

Basic python package preparation

When creating a new python package within the spk/* directory structure a few basic details must be followed for it to work correctly. To simplify the build process we have developed a method to re-use core-python libraries from python packages. This allows re-using pre-built code, reduce package size and compile time. For it to work you must fist build the corresponding version of the core-python package (for instance spk/python311) followed by building your new python application package. Makefile will require the following two entries for this to work which determine which version of python to link to:

PYTHON_PACKAGE = python311
include ../../mk/

Be careful to also adjust your startup script (spk/<your-python-package>/src/ so it uses the matching python version once installed on your NAS:


Basic wheel building/debugging commands

When build wheels one must often do a few trials and errors to get all the proper matching wheels versions to build properly.


Cross-compiling wheels requires setting-up a crossenv that gets installed as spk/<your-python-package/work-<arch>-<version>/crossenv-default. Such crossenv gets automatically created at the end of the build process before initiating the python wheel building process. The following commands allow to (re)create or clean-up such crossenv manually on-demand:

  • $ make crossenv-<arch>-<version> allows you to create a default crossenv
  • $ WHEEL="<wheel-name>-<version>" make crossenv-<arch>-<version> allows you to create a crossenv specific to the wheel passed in parameter. By default the crossenv building process looks into the matching core-python version for matching configuration that specifies what are the mandatory python dependency to be installed in said crossenv.
  • $ make crossenvclean will clean-up all crossenv directory from every work directory
  • $ make crossenvcleanall will do like above but also clean-up caching directories

That functionality was added with


It is possible to pre-download wheel sources by invoking make download-wheels which will populate the spksrc/distrib/pip directory. It is enabled by default for github-action builds reducing download bandwidth.


By default when invoking a package build any WHEELS definition in associate makefile will be processed. By default WHEELS normally refer to pre-populated src/requirements-*.txt files. Although it can also refer directly to a wheel such as <wheel>==<version>. By default it is assumed that any wheel where its type is left unspecified will be cross-compiled using a crossenv (this behavior can be changed with WHEELS_DEFAULT_REQUIREMENT variable). One can also add a abi3:, crossenv: or pure: prefix to define its type.

Wheel building can also be called manually from the command line. The generic method being make wheel-<arch>-<tcversion> will build all wheels for a given target architecture. One can add additional wheels by using make WHEELS="<wheel>==<version>" wheel-<arch>-<tcversion>. Note that your makefile's WHEELS declaration may block additional wheels being passed from the command line, thus ensure using WHEELS += ... so command line variables are in effect. Also, for debugging purpose when trying to find workaround for a specific wheel, commenting out makefile's WHEELS declaration for using command line only avoids re-processing other wheels so focus can be on the one being debugged.


Building wheels is normally just a matter of invoking a regular package build process such as make arch-<arch>-<dsm-version> (e.g. make arch-x64-7.1). Although when proceeding with the initial creation or updates to your wheel list there's often a few wheels that fails to build properly the first time and requires a few trials & errors. To help this process a set of spk/python<version>-wheels code is made available so how to can be replicated in your own package.

There's also a few basic commands that allows you to cleanup your workspace before re-invoking the build process:

  • $ make wheelclean allows to clean-up the wheel directory structure without affecting the remaining of the dependencies that have already been built. This avoids the need to fully clean-up your workspace every time testing options for a wheel to build properly.
  • $ make wheelcleancache similarly as above add the clean-up of the pip cache directories. This ensures wheels gets rebuilt as otherwise by default pip will re-use previously cached succeded builds.
  • $ make wheelcleanall similarly as above this clean-up procedure will also clean-up the distrib/pip directory containing downloaded source file of all wheels. Similarly, this allows you to fully reproduce the wheel download + building process.

Note that combining both make crossenvclean + make wheelcleancache before re-invoking the build process allows you to fully reproduce the wheel building process without affecting any of the dependencies that have already been built, reducing debuging time.

Pure-Python packages

By default spksrc framework doesn't build the pure-python wheels but instead download them using pip at installation time on your NAS device. As such, the requirements-pure.txt file is used to provide the list of wheels to be downloaded at installation time.

If needed, it is possible to force building theses pure-python wheels by setting WHEELS_PURE_PYTHON_PACKAGING_ENABLE = 1 in spk Makefile. With that being set pure-python wheels become managed exactly the same way as packages with C-extensions below with the exception of using a requirements-pure.txt file.

When building pure-python wheels using the requirements-pure.txt file, spksrc will clear all the build flags and use the associated native/python<version> host Python interpreter. The resulting wheels and requirements-pure.txt are stored in $(WORK_DIR)/wheelhouse for later processing and packaging.

Packages with C-extensions

It requires and does the following:

  1. Add BUILD_DEPENDS += cross/python310 to the SPKs Makefile. This ensures that Python is (cross-)compiled and other requirements are setup correctly to create a crossenv that includes pip, wheel, setuptools, cffi and cryptography and poetry. This crossenv is key to generate (cross-)compiled wheels later-on in the build process;
  2. Add the requirement filename to the WHEELS variable in spk/Makefile. We suggest using the default requirements.txt filename when there only are cross-compiled wheels OR always use requirements-crossenv.txt when there also is pure|abi3 wheels to be created.
  3. In order to create reproducible builds, all the required packages are frozen to a specific version (e.g. mercurial==4.0.1);
  4. spksrc will build a (cross-)compiled wheel using pip by including all the build flags and using the crossenv python interpreter along with the TC_ARCH toolchain;
  5. The resulting wheels and requirements-crossenv.txt are stored in $(WORK_DIR)/wheelhouse for later processing and packaging;

Packages with limited API/ABI

These are managed exactly the same way as packages with C-extensions above with the exception of using a requirements-abi3.txt file. The API/ABI limitation can be set with the PYTHON_LIMITED_API variable such as PYTHON_LIMITED_API = cp37 (which will fallback to Python 3.7 API).

Python packages using a cross package

Usage of cross/ python wheels can often be circumvented by:

  1. Adding the needed DEPENDS += to the SPKs Makefile (ex: DEPENDS += cross/c-ares);
  2. Including in the shell environment the package needed arguments (ex: ENV += PYCARES_USE_SYSTEM_LIB=1);
  3. Adding packages frozen to a specific version (e.g. pycares==4.1.2) into requirements-crossenv.txt.

When above procedure is insufficient we must then fallback to using a cross package:

  1. Create a new package in cross/ with the correct details. Add an include to in the Makefile so spksrc knows how to build the package;
  2. Add BUILD_DEPENDS = cross/python to the SPKs Makefile. This ensures that Python is cross-compiled and that the crossenv requirements are setup correctly to create cross-compiled wheels;
  3. Add the new cross package to DEPENDS in the SPKs Makefile;
  4. In contrast to the other two types, this type of package should normally not be included in any requirements-crossenv|pure|abi3.txt.

The building steps are such as:

  1. spksrc will (cross-)compile Python, then process Due to include ../../mk/, spksrc creates a (cross-)compiled wheel. Wheel building process is invoked using python -c "import setuptools;... call instead of using pip like it does for usual crossenv wheels.
  2. The resulting wheels and requirements-cross.txt are stored in $(WORK_DIR)/wheelhouse for later processing and packaging;

Advanced options

pip arguments

It is possible to pass arguments to pip wheel building process by using the WHEELS_BUILD_ARGS variable such as:

WHEELS_BUILD_ARGS += build_ext
WHEELS_BUILD_ARGS += --disable-platform-guessing
WHEELS_BUILD_ARGS += --enable-freetype
WHEELS_BUILD_ARGS += --enable-jpeg
WHEELS_BUILD_ARGS += --enable-zlib

These will get converted into --global-option=build_ext --global-option=--disable-platform-guessing ... and will be captured by in the build process. The first argument of the list in brackets [...] must match the wheel name (and is case sensitive). The usage of such extra argument is being captured only by the wheel as specified as the first argument. No other wheel builds are affected by it.

build FLAGS

It is also possible to pass extra CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to the pip build cross-compiling environment. It is done similarly to pip arguments above such as:

WHEELS_CPPFLAGS = [numpy] -std=c++0x

The first argument of the list in brackets [...] must match the wheel name (and is case sensitive). The remaining arguments will be added to the default FLAG environment variable when calling pip for the cross-compiling build only for that specific wheel.

Non-PyPi requirement source

It is possible to use non-PyPi URL such as github to download and install wheels. More information available:

In order for wheels to be installed properly at destination you must also specify the version that the resulting wheel will have as suffix to the egg= portion of the URL such as:


When building the final package which will be including the various wheels, the resulting requirement.txt file will be post-processed such as it will remove the URL prefix leaving only the wheel wheel_name==version such as webrtcvad==2.0.10. This will allow pip to look for such wheel version on file when processing wheels at installation time on the NAS.

Next steps

After the above, spksrc will resume its normal activities to build the SPK.

  • To include $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/share/wheelhouse in the SPK itself, add rsc:share/wheelhouse to the SPKs PLIST.
  • In addition, the installer (usually src/ should contain a line to install the wheels in a Python virtualenv on the target device at installation time. The generic format to create a virtualenv and install wheels for SynoCommunity packages uses pre-defined sheel functions that are available at installation time:
# Define python310 binary path
# Add local bin, virtualenv along with python310 to the default PATH

service_postinst ()
    # Create a Python virtualenv

    # Install the wheels

Example: Let's look at the Mercurial SPK

Add python wheels

The Mercurial SPK contains two Python packages: Mercurial itself, and Docutils, which is a dependency of Mercurial.

Mercurial needs cross-compiling because it contains C-extensions. In addition, it also has to be patched to ensure a working wheel is created. That means it's a package of the third type as previously described. Docutils on the other hand is a pure-python package.

Starting off with Docutils: Mercurials Makefile sets WHEELS = src/requirements.txt. This requirements file contains docutils==0.17.1 as its only entry. As this only package builds properly using cross-compiling set by default the requirement filename is using default requirements.txt. This is all that needs to be done to create a Docutils wheel.

For Mercurial itself, a bit more is needed:

  1. spksrc/cross/mercurial/Makefile is created with the correct content. There's no need for dependencies in this case, as docutils is handled via the requirements file.
  2. The Makefile's include is set to create cross-compiled wheels: include ../../mk/
  3. The appropriate patches for Mercurial are added to the patches directory.
  4. A digests file should be created, to ensure the file download is not corrupted.
  5. The SPKs Makefile then needs the following: BUILD_DEPENDS = cross/python to cross-compile Mercurial. BUILD_DEPENDS also contains cross/mercurial (although it could also be added to DEPENDS as there's nothing in the PLIST)
  6. The last step is to add rsc:share/wheelhouse to the SPKs PLIST.

Building the SPK via make arch-$(ARCH) should now result in two wheels in $(WORK_DIR)/wheelhouse. The wheels are also stored in $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/share/wheelhouse, but with a uname -m DSM architecture matching naming format to ensure the wheels are recognized as valid on the target device.

During the processing of the SPKs PLIST, the wheelhouse directory is copied to $(STAGING_DIR)/share/wheelhouse.

Installing the wheels on the target device

Once the Python packages are successfully created and included in the package, you'll need to make sure the wheels are installed.

  1. In Mercurial installer, include the generic command to first create a Python virtual environment: ${VIRTUALENV} --system-site-packages ${INSTALL_DIR}/env > /dev/null. Note that in some cases you might not want to use --system-site-packages.
  2. Install all available wheels into the virtual environment as follows: ${INSTALL_DIR}/env/bin/pip install --no-deps --no-index -U --force-reinstall -f ${INSTALL_DIR}/share/wheelhouse ${INSTALL_DIR}/share/wheelhouse/*.whl > /dev/null 2>&1

Tips and tricks

  • Generally speaking, you should start with the assumption that all the required Python packages are pure-python. When building a pure-python wheel fails, the build process will halt with an error, after which you can decide what to do. A good next step is to assume that one or more packages should be cross-compiled, which means adding BUILD_DEPENDS = cross/python and see if that works better.
  • To identify if a package pure-python or not, in most cases the wheels name can tell you. If the wheel package is uploaded on PyPI you can search for the package. The following also applies to wheels created by spksrc:
    • Pure-python packages generally end with a format like py2-none-any.whl or py2.py3-none-any.whl e.g. chardet.
    • Packages with C-extensions might end with cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl e.g. lxml.
  • It is required to pin packages to a specific version. Example: mercurial==4.0.1. Other version specifiers are not allowed.
  • It is required to add all requirements to the package. Upstream maintainers sometimes only list so-called top-level requirements for their packages, and rely on pip to process dependencies during installation. This can cause issues during installation of SynoCommunity packages. To make sure all the requirements are included in your final requirements.txt, run pip install -r requirements.txt (without specifying --no-deps) in a separate virtualenv. After pip has processed all the requirements, run pip freeze, and use that output as starting point for the final requirements.txt.
  • References to setuptools, pip or wheel should not be included in requirements.txt or be commented out.
  • Python packages that are processed as DEPENDS, or cross packages, should not be included in requirements.txt or be commented out.
  • Errors such as command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 means cross-compiling is required.
  • In some cases, wheels appear to build successfully as a pure-python wheel, but fail to install or work correctly on the target. Make sure to test the package, and if you run into issues, try to cross-compile the wheel instead.


  • Some native wheel code may not compile without CFLAGS=-Wno-error=format-security
  • Some wheel code archive like gevent does not include generated C code. Prefer to download wheel source archives from
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