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Development Machine Setup

gkielian edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 12 revisions

You'll need a development machine or VM to configure, build and load the firmware for the Application Processor (AP) bridges on the BDB1B.

These instructions assume a 64-bit installation of Ubuntu 14.04, and only need to be applied once for a given development machine.

You'll need various Ubuntu packages:

sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool gperf
sudo apt-get install flex bison libncurses5-dev libncurses5:i386
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev libpci-dev

ARM Compiler and GDB

You'll build firmware using the gcc-arm-embedded ‘arm-none-eabi’ toolchain maintained by ARM and hosted on Launchpad:

To install, bunzip2, untar, and add the bin subdirectory to your PATH.


Go is the language in which Manifesto (see below) is written.

sudo apt-get install git golang
mkdir $HOME/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go

You'll also want GOPATH to be defined during future logins, so you'll want to add

export GOPATH=$HOME/go

to your .bashrc or similar configuration file.


Manifesto is a tool used to build human-readable module manifest files into their on-wire binary representation as defined within the Greybus Specification. These binaries are incorporated into the firmware images.

cd $HOME
go get
git clone
cd manifesto
go build manifesto.go
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/manifesto/

You'll also want manifesto to be on your path during future logins, so you'll want to add

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/manifesto/

to your .profile or similar configuration file.

JTAG Programming and Debugging

These instructions describe how to use the J-Link Pro JTAG programmer from Segger with the BDB1B. Software can be obtained from the downloads section on the Segger website. The J-Link software includes a GDB server that can be connected to using ‘arm-none-eabi-gdb’ included with the toolchain above.

For a build machine running Ubuntu, you would download the DEB Installer for the Software And Documentation Pack for Linux, the 64-bit version if you have a 64-bit Ubuntu installation, and the 32-bit version if you have a legacy 32-bit installation. If uncertain of the Ubuntu installation type, run uname -m on your build machine. An output of “x86_64” indicates that you have a 64-bit install. The download from Segger will typically open in the Ubuntu Software Center, and offer the option to Install the package, which should be accepted.

Next Steps

Now that your machine is set up, you can proceed to the Firmware Build.