Pac-Man Game
Our interpretation of the classic PacMan arcade game. The character can move around the screen using the four arrow keys attempting to 'eat' all of the tokens while avoiding the 'Ghosts.' When all tokens are gone, the player wins and can choose to play again. However, if the player touches a ghost, then they lose a life. Once all lives are gone, the player loses the game, and can then chose to play again.
The project files and folders are organized as follows:
Final-Project- (project root folder) +-- PacMan (main folder) +-- game (source code for game) +-- casting (specific game classes) +-- directing (class for directing others) +-- services (keyboard and video) +-- shared (color and point) +-- (entry point for program) +-- (This file - Description of game, file structure, required software, and authors)
## Required Software
* Python 3.8.0
* Raylib Python CFFI 3.7
* PyGame
## Authors
Tyson Mergel ([email protected])
Zanna Johnson ([email protected])
Loran Mills ([email protected])
Juan David Engelbrecht
Emma Amos ([email protected])