A WiP Customizable Random Character Generator for DnD 5e
the plan is to be able to Make a almost complete Character sheet for player and NPC alike and have the ablity to add homebrew
- Name and Gender
- Class and Level
- Race and Subrace
- Stats with Modifiers, Racial Bonuses, and Ability Score Improvements (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)
- Stats can currently Roll above 20, will be fixed at a later point
In no particular order
- Generate basic info (name, gender, Class, race, ect.)
- Generate stats with related racial buffs (str, con, wis, ect.)
- Generate related spelles for spell casters
- Make a ui to show all the informaion
- Ability to regenerate a new character
this may take a bit because i am mostly self tought and find it difficult to read documention
- Download Python 3.x
- Download Repository as Zip and extract anywhere
- Open file in your prefered IDE (I use Visual Studio Code)
- Run Main.py
- Success
you can add and edit the .json files as long as you follow the formatting
- Classes.json Holds all classes for now
- Names.json Holds Names based off of selected Race,
- Races.json Holds all Races, Subraces, and Racial Stats.