TJK Sig Portal Readme
For Special Interest Group(SIG), it is a community within a larger organization with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or technology where members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field, and may communicate, meet, and organize conferences.
Page Directory Layout
We have a controller for the Homepage created, has handlers for
- log in required
- Created by users and prints out annoucements and forums from users and owner(user who created the portal) of the portal
- Annoucement
- has Photo of user, Title of announcement, ID, Content of announcement, Link, Edit, and Delete
- Forum
- has Photo of user, Title of announcement, ID, Content of announcement, Link, Edit, and Delete
- menu of the page
- Add button
- accept input of Title and Content and Link and Photo if user checks the checkbox to add.
- Link and Photo can be empty input(can be null).
- Edit button
- ability to announce Forum into Announcement, but only by the portal owner
- ability to make Announcement into Forum, but only by the portal owner
- takes input of Title, Content, Link, and Photo.
- Link and Phto requires a specified format as input as indicated in Add
- Link
- (ex:
- Photo
- (ex: ~/image/FileName.jpg)
- Link
- Annoucement
- log in required
- Every users requires to request access of the portal to the owner who created the portal
- menu of the page
- List of users who required to have access of owner's portal
ID, Portal Name, User Name, User Email, Status(T/F), Accept button
- Depends on status of user who requested, users are idenfided as allowed and not allowed.
- Accept button updates the status of user for the portal
- Depends on status of user who requested, users are idenfided as allowed and not allowed.
- Any information about SIG Portal
- menu of the page
- Contact info about team
- Homepage of the SIG Portal where has list of portals and ability to make a new portal, but log in required to see the list of portal
- For guests who did not log in are not able to see anything except for menu of the page but future work can be added for the guests
- list of portals has ID, Name, and Owner information in list
- log in page
- a button that redirects to register page for new user
- sign up page
- email and password required and confirm password
- a button that redirects to log in page for existing user
- list of users email of portal
- menu of the page
Sig Portal User Pages/ Windows:
- A portal will have a few additionnal windows or pages for the creation of adding a forum/ annoucement/ paper or addiotnal content.
- The window focuses on the content that is being edited.
Sig Portal control visibility will be a later added function where if a feature is not desired, forums, annoucements, etc..., they may be made unavailable.
- User Portals will be saved to a database called sig-portal
- We do not believe users can have database control over user's information
- Create DB called "sig-portal"
- run the line 88 - 153 from sig-portalDB.sql file to generate tables
How to Connect database (
- copy the SQL server name that you want to store the DB.
- Right click BL
- Add New item
- type "Data" in search
- entity data model -> name it as sigEntities -> EF designer from database
- new connection
- data connection
- In Data source -> sql server
- In server Name, SQL server name
- db name -> sig-portal
- add connection settings in app.config as "sigEntities"
- 10-1. check Web.config to make sure the coonectionstring name is "sigEntities"
- Tables check -> dbo check
- Done
- If app.config has multiple of connectionstring because somehow you did multiple process of connecting db, it will cause error, so keep the connectionstring string as one.
- SIG-Model.edmx ==> chart of my DB
- In Homepage after connection,
- ID: [email protected]
- PW : 123456