A simple markdowner for WXW websites
$ ./wxwDownloader.py -h
usage: wxwDownloader.py [-h] -f CONFIGFILE [-b BOOKS [BOOKS ...]]
Martial World Downloader and Ebook maker
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Configuratin file to run
-b BOOKS [BOOKS ...], --books BOOKS [BOOKS ...]
Books to make, space separated list. Refers to the
json configuration file.
$ ./wxwDownloader.py -f MW.json -b 1 2 3 4
Compile the md file into an epub:
pandoc "/home/xxx/.cache/WXW/md/wxw-mw.md" --epub-stylesheet="epub-md.css" --toc --toc-depth=2 -o "/home/xxx/Documents/Epubs/WXW-wxw-mw.epub"
- Correct the output filename if books are passed as an option
- add some debug mode with verbose level
- fix the import warning
Load the good markdownerdo a simple help menuparse arguments when launchedmake configuration file reading
python3 -m unittest discover -v -s tests