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ECS639U Group 19 Coursework

This is the source code for Group 19's coursework in the module ECS639U Web Programming (at Queen Mary University of London). Module leader: Paulo Oliva <[email protected]>

### Openshift Deployment


Name: Taseen Kamil Rahman
SID: 220359634
Contributions: Performed initial setup of repo. Implemented login and signup as well as csrf authentication. Added a navbar to the application. Wrote automated tests and prepared application for submission and deployment.

Name: Isa Tahir Islam
SID: 220410164
Contributions: Developed the backend and frontend for the profile page with hobbies and the password reset page.

Name: Lukas Labanok
SID: 220650014
Contributions: Developed frontend and backend for the similar users page and for the friends page.

Submission Setup Notes

  1. Run Django migrations to create the database schema:

     python migrate
  2. Ensure the database is empty using:

        python flush
  3. The fixture data can be loaded into the database using the following command.:

        python loaddata initial_data.json

This will include 20 test users and 10 hobbies. It will also include the superuser.

Superuser Account

Username: admin
Password: england123

User Accounts

There are 20 accounts with usernames user1, user2...user19, user20.
All have identical passwords: england123

Local development

To run this project in your development machine, follow these steps:

  1. Create and activate a conda environment

  2. Clone this repo to your local machine.

  3. Install Pyhton dependencies (main folder):

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install JavaScript dependencies (from 'frontend' folder):

    npm install
  5. If everything is alright, you should be able to start the Django development server from the main folder:

    python runserver
  6. and the Vue server from the 'frontend' sub-folder (only run this for testing frontend.):

    npm run dev

    As the frontend is being served by Django, use:

    npm run build

    If using Windows please see remarks at the bottom and run

    $ npm run build-windows

    This way the frontend is served by Django and is preferred. Note you will have to run a new build every time a change is made - so it may make more sense to develop something on the Vue server beforehand, you just won't have access to the backend. Below it says to do this once it's ready to be deployed, however, this can be safely used in development.

  7. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000, you will be greeted with a login page, or the template homepage if you are already authenticated.

OpenShift deployment

Once your project is ready to be deployed you will need to 'build' the Vue app and place it in Django's static folder.

  1. The build command in package.json and the vite.config.ts files have already been modified so that when running 'npm run build' (on Mac and Linux) the generated JavaScript and CSS files will be placed in the mainapp static folder, and the index.html file will be placed in the templates folder:

    $ npm run build

    If using Windows please see remarks at the bottom and run

    $ npm run build-windows
  2. You should then follow the instruction on QM+ on how to deploy your app on EECS's OpenShift live server.


This code is dedicated to the public domain to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, pursuant to CC0.

Running Builds on Windows

As stated in the email from Paulo - this change should already be in our repo but if not: Please note that the build command included in the group project template works fine on Mac and Linux computers, but will not work on Windows. If you are using a Windows machine, please replace the “scripts” entry with:

"scripts": {


"vue-tsc && vite build && mv ../api/static/api/spa/index.html ../api/templates/api/spa/.",

"vue-tsc && vite build && move ..\\api\\static\\api\\spa\\index.html

"vite preview"


and then run

   $ npm run build-windows

instead of “npm run build”.


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