- Portable Application (Windows / Mac / Linux)
- Retrieves GenBank sequences from following arguments (comma seperated OR in multiple fields):
- Multiple species / organism (at least one argument must be supplied)
- Strain / Isolate / Title / Wildcard(Any)
- Gene / product (at least one argument must be supplied)
- Sequence length / range
- Country
- Title of record (according to GenBank .GBFF format)
- Three RefSeq modes: All sequences / RefSeq only / RefSeq priority (preferentially extracts RefSeq sequences first. If number of target records is not achieved, continue retrieval with non-Refseq sequences)
- Three extraction modes: Single Gene (Extracts single gene) / Gene Range (Extracts segment of sequence to another [Requires input of two gene/product arguments]) / Entire Sequence
- Progress bar for fetching GenBank sequences
- Automatically generates .xlsx file containing annotations/summary of extracted GenBank records
- Automatically aligns sequences using FAMSA alignment
- Automatically trims gaps in sequence using gap threshold (0-1)
- Example: If gappyness threshold is 0.7, at least 70 % of sequences must contain a gap in a position for EACH species for it to be trimmed
- Default: 0.95
- Automatically generates consensus sequence based on trimmed alignment using consensus threhsold (0-1)
- Example: If consensus threhsold is 0.2, at least 20% of equences must contain the same base in a position for it to be incorporated into the consensus sequence
- Default: 0.1
- Full support for ambiguous bases (both input and output)
- Automatic detection of DNA, RNA and amino acids
- Base frequencies of degenerate bases are shown in .xlsx summary file
- Automatically generates conservation plot based on consensus sequence (only positions with degenerate bases from consensus sequence are shown)
- Automatically retries search using provided email only if API key is invalid