This repository is part of training. The objectives are to understand and use an MVC structure to interact with a database.
A starter pack is provided to create this project. Various tasks, corrections, and implementations are present in the code files.
PHP: Version 8.0.26
MySQL: Version 8.0.31
Git: Versioning control
PDO: PHP extension to database acces
- Clone the repository.
- Set up a local PHP server.
- Import the database (whith exemples insside).
- Navigate to the project in your web browser.
The project follows the MVC design pattern:
- Model (./Model): Data structures, classes
- View (./View): Data presented in a user-friendly way
- Controller (./Controller): Handles user interaction
Additional directories and files include:
DataBase: Files to be imported into the database
Connect: Connection to the database
index.php: Router - Directs requests to the appropriate controllers based on the requested page.