Releases: TheD0ct0r101/botwTextGame
BOTW: Text Edition - ALPHA v1.0.0
1.0.0 Alpha Release:
++Current story progress:++
-2 story sequences: Link's wake-up, and Link sitting up. (Yes, that's it. This project is gonna be a long one)
++Current implementations:++
-Sound system that is independent of placement on the computer. Program can be packed up in a folder and play sounds no matter the program location.
-Sound that plays whenever a prompt is passed
-Fancy "Zelda-like" text scrolling. (One letter at a time)
-Implemented some default player variables. (Variables/properties of said variables are not used yet, and are subject to change)
-Core game-play is written in a 'while loop' format, with several if-statements after player input prompts. Complexity will vary as game goes on.
-Implemented a "cheeky narrator" that criticizes you/comments on you for performing actions repeatedly or a certain way.
-Console has a 'press enter to exit' system rather than closing immediately after the code finishes.
-BOTW Great Plateau map reduced to a grid-coordinate system.
Location names can be called via a variable with an argument being the world coordinate represented by a float value. (Ex. worldLocation(1.-4) = 'Owa Daim Shrine'). This coordinate system should, in theory, simplify the to-be-implemented movement system, where moving from location to location can be done with a simple value change, based on choices made in a prompt.
-World locations are provided various properties, such as items available to loot at said location, descriptions of the area, etc. They are written in a simple list format. Example:
worldLocations = {
worldLocation(0.0): {
worldLocationRoom(0): {
ROOMDESC: "This chamber holds the stone tub from which you awoke. It was once filled with a mysterious "
"blue liquid.",
GROUND: ['Sheikah Slate'] },