This is a Java implementation of a semantic mapper for XML source files, intended in particular for conversion of metadata records harvested using the OAI-PMH protocol.
This is a Maven project, and therefore requires Apache Maven. It can be built simply using the command:
mvn clean package assembly:assembly
Running the above creates a package named
(subject to changing version number of
course). See below for installation details.
If you use a Java IDE, it is highly likely it offers a simple way to do the above. Note that this project requires Java Development Kit version 1.7 or above to build.
If you experience problems with the build process:
check you have JDK 1.7 or above
check you have defined the environment variable JAVA_HOME
Configuration parameters for the converter are set in a configuration file and can also be given on the command line. (In case of overlap, command line parameters override settings from the configuration file.)
The command line argument 'config=xyz' can be used to set the configuration file; otherwise the default file config.xml will be used. See the default file for a list of all available configuration parameters.
The reason JDK 1.7 is needed is due to the use of java.nio.file.FileVisitor to traverse source files. This is necessary because of the extremely poor performance of the file handling classes in the package in the situation where a directory contains a large number of files (on the order of hundreds of thousands).
Saxon is used as the XPath engine, but only via standard APIs.
GPL v3; see file LICENSE for full text of the license.