A library for egui to create tables with draggable cell and row selection.
- Individual cell or full-row selection while dragging
- Auto vertical table scrolling during drag with adjustable parameters
- Sort rows by clicking headers, both ascending and descending
- Customizable rows and header UI
- Built-in select all (Ctrl+A) and copy (Ctrl+C) functionality
- Capable of handling a substantial amount of rows (1M+) with proper settings
// See Demo folder for a complete example
use egui_selectable_table::{
ColumnOperations, ColumnOrdering, SelectableRow, SelectableTable, SortOrder,
// other use imports
struct Config {
// anything you want to pass
struct MyRow {
field_1: String,
// .. more fields
enum Column {
// .. more column names
// Implement both traits for row and column
impl ColumnOperations<MyRow, ColumnName, Config> for Column {
// The text of a row based on the column
fn column_text(&self, row: &WhiteListRowData) -> String {}
// Create your own header or no header
fn create_header(&self, ui: &mut Ui, sort_order: Option<SortOrder>, table: &mut SelectableTable<MyRow, Column, Config>) -> Option<Response> {}
//Create your own table row UI
fn create_table_row(&self, ui: &mut Ui, row: &SelectableRow<MyRow, Column>, selected: bool, table: &mut SelectableTable<MyRow, Column, Config>,) -> Response {}
impl ColumnOrdering<MyRow> for Column {
fn order_by(&self, row_1: &MyRow, row_2: &MyRow) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
match self {
Column::Field1 => row_1.field_1.cmp(&row_2.field_1),
pub struct MainWindow {
table: SelectableTable<MyRow, Column, Config>
impl MainWindow {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
table: SelectableTable::new(vec![Column::Field1])
impl eframe::App for MainWindow {
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &eframe::egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) {
egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| {
self.table.show_ui(ui |table| {
The demo is accessible online via this link
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/TheRustyPickle/egui-selectable-table
Move into the demo folder
cd egui-selectable-table/demo
- To run natively
cargo run --release
- To run in wasm locally install the required target with
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- Install Trunk with
cargo install --locked trunk
trunk serve
to run and visithttp://
- To run natively
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please open a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.