Standard issue bot template with the following features:
- Database Support
- Slash Command Support
- Config Channel
- Admin Role
- Administrative commands
- Multi-Server Support
It turns out you can use curl and a standard issue bot token to call up every necessary endpoint,
this is particularly helpful when working with slash commands since it allows you to view values in plain text.
curl -H "Authorization: Bot <your-bot-token-goes-here>"<channel-id>
Install Node.js Version 16 on your server, set up a database, copy the files onto the server.
Preferred directory for that would be/opt/bot-template/
and run chmod +rwx /opt/bot-template/ -R
You find a Systemd Service file in the config folder, copy it into the /etc/systemd/system/
Set up a user, useradd bot-template -MNr
and modify the service file accordingly.
Run systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable bot_template; systemctl start bot_template