require OS: >= ubuntu_20
- install cyusb, opencv, lib-usb-1.0-dev
- cp to ./lib
- run 'sh'
- run the somple application for tianmouc-v1 by ./build/tianmoucv_app
- you can also use the ./build/ for further development
- only x86 supported because the shared .so files are compiled under x86, ubuntu24.04
- You can find another cmake file in ./lib, use it to replace the defualt one
- compile this project, you can still get the app
- init version 20241104 -- bug: memory leak, cannot find where is the bug -- bug2: bad cone decoded result?? -- bug3: cannot use disableSync api, repost "free( ) invalid xxx" -- bug4: very dirty stop
- updated version 20240906
- fixed all bugs
- minimum develop kit
if you have already install all the support for tianmouc, you would meet the requirments
libusb-1.0 $ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
g++ $ sudo apt-get install g++
- compile the demo
$ cd demo $ sh
- run as sudo user $ sudo ./build/tianmouc_app