This is a browser markdown Editor built in Svelte-Kit. It is a simple but powerful editor that can be used to write in markdown and reuse this content in other projects.
Nothing will be saved on our servers. The content is stored in the browser's local storage and as long as you don't clear this storage, you can edit and save your content even after you close the browser.
Clicking on the "eye" icon gives you a preview of the content without the markdown syntax.
Clicking on the "copy" icon copies the content to the clipboard. You can then reuse it for example in a blog post on Hashnode or any other service that supports markdown.
The editor was created with EasyMDE, a markdown editor that is built on top of the simple-markdown-editor.
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
To create a production version of your app:
npm run build
You can then preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy it on Netlify, just give Netlify access to the repository and create a build.
In under a minute Netlifiy will deploy the build to your website. You then just have to change the URL to your liking.
This app was created for the Hashnode and Netlify Hackathon. The assignment was to create an app running on the netlify servers. To see a live version of this app visit:
Live Demo: