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Tis_awesomeness edited this page Jun 13, 2024 · 3 revisions


The default config is available for reference.

Config Description
clientToken Your unique bot token. Do not upload it to GitHub, or people will be able to steal your bot!
shardCount The amount of shards to use, or -1 for Discord recommended. If you don't know what sharding means, keep it at 1.
owner The user ID of the bot owner. The bot owner has full permissions and can promote/demote others. Set to 0 for no owner.
testServers A list of server IDs that will have guild slash commands updated on startup for testing.


Config Description
logChannel The bot will send errors and debugging messages to this channel. Set to 0 to disable.
joinLogChannel The bot will send server join/leave messages to this channel. Set to 0 to disable.
logWebhook The webhook URL to send log messages to. Set to blank to disable.
statusWebhook The webhook URL to send status messages to. Set to blank to disable.
includeSpamStatuses Whether to include the "Disconnected" and "Resumed" statuses in the status webhook. These statuses happen very often.
supportedMCVersion The latest MC version that the bot supports. This only changes the version shown in /help recipe and other commands, and does not change behavior. Update this field if a new Minecraft version releases that does not change items or recipes.
author The name of the person hosting the bot.
authorTag The Discord tag of the person hosting the bot.
invite The invite link to use in /invite.
helpServer The help server link to use in /invite.
website The website to display in /info.
github A link to the source code currently running on the bot.
prefix The prefix (optionally) used for admin commands.
game This is the game that the bot is playing, shown under the username. {prefix} and {guilds} are available variables.
devMode Turning this on will let you reload code using @Minecord reload on the fly. When hosting the bot, it's best to keep this off in order to decrease memory usage.
debugMode If true, exceptions during command execution will be sent to the user.
deleteCommands If true, the commands sent by players (like /help) will be deleted to clean up chat. Requires permission to manage messages.
useMenus If true, the bot will use a reaction menu for /recipe and /ingredient if possible.
showMemory Whether to show the memory in /info.
elevatedSkipCooldown Whether elevated users skip command cooldowns.
serverTimeout The time in milliseconds a /server ping waits for a response.
serverReadTimeout The time in milliseconds a /server ping waits for additional responses after the server has already replied.
useElectroidAPI Whether to use the Electroid API to speed up player lookups. May cause slowdowns if the API is consistently down.
useGappleAPI Whether to use the Gapple API to look up account types. May cause slowdowns if the API is consistently down.
recordCacheStats Whether to record cache performance statistics. This will cause a slight performance hit.
itemImageHost The website hosting item images.
recipeImageHost The website hosting recipe images.
crafatarHost The URL for the Crafatar API.
reuploadCrafatarImages Whether to download and re-upload Crafatar images as attachments as a workaround for Discord refusing to embed Crafatar images.


Config Description
type Either mysql or sqlite. Defaults to sqlite, otherwise a mysql server is required.
host The hostname for the mysql server or the file path for the sqlite database.
port The port used to connect to a mysql database.
name The name of the database to use.
user The username used to connect to the database.
pass The password used to connect to the database.
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