This repository contains a collection of C++ programs covering Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts and Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA). Each program demonstrates specific principles, helping you build a strong foundation in C++ programming. Itβs designed to help you master C++ through hands-on coding.
This repository is organized into multiple folders, each containing various programs related to OOP and DSA.
πΉ Class-Programs
Programs demonstrating class structure, object creation, templates and much more.
- Class program - simple class program
- Destructor - destructor program
- Parametrized constructor - a type of constructor
- Shallow vs Deep copy - to understand how shallow and deep copy works
- Static data member - to understand usage of static data member
- Student marksheet - student marksheet program using class
- Templates - to understand usage of templates in c++
πΉ Functions
Programs related to Static member, friend, and inline functions.
- Friend function - to understand usage of friend function
- Inline function - to understand usage of inline function
- Static member function - to understand usage of static memeber function
πΉ Inheritance
Covers single, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical and hybrid inheritance.
- Hierarchical inheritance - to understand hierarchical inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance - to understand hybrid Inheritance
- Multilevel inheritance - to understand multilevel inheritance
- Multilevel inheritance 2 - another program using multilevel inheritance
- Multiple inheritance - to understand multiple inheritance
- Single inheritance - to understand single inheritance
πΉ Polymorphism
Examples of function overloading, operator overloading, and runtime polymorphism.
- Function overriding - to understand the concept of function overriding
- Operator overloading - Binary Minus (-) Operator
- Operator overloading - Binary Plus (+) Operator
- Operator overloading - Equality (==) Operator
- Operator overloading - Increment (++) Operator
- Runtime polymorphism - to understand usage of virtual functions
πΉ Array Data Structure
Implementation of arrays and solutions to various LeetCode problems with different approaches.
- 2Sum - leetcode 1
- 3Sum - leetcode 15 (using hashing)
- 3Sum 2 - leetcode 15 (using two pointer approach)
- 4Sum - leetcode 18
- Aggresive cows - using binary search approach
- Binary search - using iterative method
- Binary search 2 - using recursive method
- Binary search 3 - leetcode 33
- Book allocation - using binary search approach
- Bubble sort - bubble sort algorithm
- Buy and sell - leetcode 121
- Container with most water - leetcode 21 (brute force)
- Container with most water 2 - leetcode 21 (using two pointer approach)
- Diagonal sum in matrix - leetcode 1572
- Find duplicate - leetcode 287
- Find missing and repeating value - leetcode 2965
- Insertion sort - insertion sort algorithm
- Linear search - linear search algorithm
- Linear search in matrix - linear search in matrix
- Majority element - leetcode 169 (brute force)
- Majority element 2 - leetcode 169 (moore's voting algorithm)
- Maximum row and column sum - Maximum row and column sum problem
- Maximum subarray sum - leetcode 53 (brute force)
- Maximum subarray sum 2 - leetcode 53 (Kadane's algorithm)
- Merge sorted arrays - leetcode 88
- Next permutation - leetcode 31
- Painter's partition - using binary search approach
- Pair sum - binary search approach
- Pair sum 2 - two pointer approach
- Peak index - leetcode 852 (brute force)
- Peak index 2 - leetcode 852 (optimized)
- Power function - leetcode 50
- Product of array - leetcode 238 (brute force)
- Product of array 2 - leetcode 238 (optimized)
- Reverse array - to reverse an array
- Search in 2d matrix - leetcode 74
- Search in 2d matrix II - leetcode 240
- Selection sort - selection sort algorithm
- Single element - leetcode 540 (brute force)
- Single element 2 - leetcode 540 (binary search)
- Small and large in array - Small and large element in array
- Sort colors - leetcode 75 (optimized)
- Sort colors - leetcode 75 (Dutch national flag algortihm)
- Spiral matrix - leetcode 54
- Subarray sum equal k - leetcode 560
- Sum product in array - sum and product of an array
- Swap max min in array - to swap max and min elements of an array
πΉ Linked-List
Implementation of Linked list and solutions to various LeetCode problems with different approaches.
- Circular Linked-list - program for circular linked list implementation
- Copy list with random pointers - leetcode 138
- Doubly Linked-list - program for doubly linked list implementation
- Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List - leetcode 430
- Linked-list intro - program for linked list implementation
- Linked-list cycle - leetcode 141
- Linked-list cycle II - leetcode 142
- LRU Cache - leetcode 146
- Merge two sorted lists - leetcode 21
- Middle of Linked-list - leetcode 876
- Reverse Linked-list - leetcode 206
- Reverse nodes in k group - leetcode 25
- Swap Nodes in Pairs - leetcode 24
πΉ Stack
Implementation of Stack and solutions to various LeetCode problems with different approaches.
- Celebrity Problem - the celebrity problem
- Design Min Stack - leetcode 155
- Design Min Stack 2 - leetcode 155 (more optimal)
- Largest Rectangle in Histogram - leetcode 84
- Next greater element - next greater element problem
- Next greater element I - leetcode 496
- Next greater element II - leetcode 503
- Previous Smaller Element - previous smaller element problem
- Stack using Linked-list - stack implementation using linked-list
- Stack using STL - stack implementation using STL library
- Stack using vectors - stack implementation using vectors
- Stock span - stock span problem
- Trapping Rain Water - leetcode 42 (using prefix array)
- Trapping Rain Water 2 - leetcode 42 (using two pointer approach)
- Valid Parentheses - leetcode 20
πΉ Queue
Implementation of Queue and solutions to various LeetCode problems with different approaches.
- Circular queue - circular queue implementation using array
- Deque - Double ended queue implementation using STL
- Gas station - leetcode 134
- Queue intro - queue implementation using linked-list
- Queue intro 2 - queue implementation using STL
- Queue using stack - leetcode 232
- Sliding Window Maximum - leetcode 239
- Stack using queue - leetcode 225
- Unique char - leetcode 387
πΉ Tree
Implementation of Tree and solutions to various LeetCode problems with different approaches.
- Binary tree - binary tree implementation
πΉ Recursion
Programs demonstrating recursive problem-solving techniques.
- Binary search - leetcode 704
- Combination Sum - leetcode 39
- Count inversion - using merge sort algorithm
- Factorial - factorial using recursion
- Fibonacci - leetcode 509
- Is array sorted - is array sorted or not using recursion
- Knights tour - leetcode 2596
- Merge sort algorithm - merge sort algorithm implementation using recursion
- N queens - leetcode 51
- N sum - sum of n values using recursion
- Palindrome partitioning - leetcode 131
- Permutations in array - leetcode 46
- Quick sort algorithm - quick sort algorithm implementation
- Rat in a maze - rat in a maze problem using recursion
- Subsets - leetcode 78
- Subsets II - leetcode 90
- Sudoku solver - leetcode 37
πΉ Patterns
A collection of pattern-printing programs using loops.
- Butterfly pattern
- Floyd triangle pattern
- Hollow diamond pattern
- Inverted triangle pattern
- Pyramid pattern
- Reverse triangle pattern
- Square pattern
- Square pattern 2
- Triangle pattern
- Triangle pattern 2
πΉ Cpp Programs
General C++ programs that don't fit into the above categories.
- Count primes - to count all prime numbers in a range
- GCD - gcd program using Euclid's Algorithm
- Palindrome number - leetcode 9
- Permutation in a string - leetcode 567
- Read and Write in a file - to read and write in file using file handling
- Remove all occurrences - leetcode 1910
- Reverse integer - leetcode 7
- Reverse string - leetcode 344
- Reverse string 2 - to reverse a string directly using reverse function
- Reverse words in a string - leetcode 151
- String compression - leetcode 443
- Valid palindrome - leetcode 125
To run the programs in this repository, you need:
- A C++ compiler (e.g., GCC, MinGW, or Visual Studio).
- Basic knowledge of C++ programming, OOP principles, and DSA techniques.