Example for WebDriver tests on the GitHub site.
- Java 8
- Project Lombok should be installed in your IDE
Open the config.properties
file and set the GitHub user and password
- Lombok - Simplifies the work with page objects
- WebDriverManager - Automatically download the correct WebDriver server according to the browser type and version
- VideoRecorderTestng - Records a video of the test cases
- Spring configuration - Type save configuration settings injection and dependency injection
- AssertJ - Readable, flexible and powerful assertions
- Difido - Advanced reporting mechanism - Support real time local and remote reports
- DifidoVideoReportListener - Attaches the video to the Difido local and remote reporter
- ReportManager - Abstraction that allows adding reports to the test cases
- Kotlin Support - For different page objects approach (and OOP approach)
- ActionBot - Simple abstraction over Webdriver
- Descriptive By - Adds description to low level operation
- WebDriver-datatables - OOP approach for interacting with datatables.
- TestNG Fixtures - Smart fixtures inspired by PyTest