# Problems Bank
Problems Bank allows the posting of various problems with attachments
## Setup
Make sure your environment variables for AWS are stored. This lets you talk to the AWS account.
The required variables are ‘AWS_PROBLEM_KEY_ID`, `AWS_PROBLEM_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, and `AWS_PROBLEM_BUCKET`. These are held by the client.
They can be set on a UNIX system with ‘export AWS_PROBLEM_KEY_ID=XXXX` and so on… These must be added over again on a new terminal session.
## Running Problems Bank
First, you must ‘bundle install` if there are any errors, it usually has to do with your system not having postgres or another tool. A Google search and a `brew install` on a Mac or a `apt-get` on Linux will usually help.
Set up the database with ‘rake db:migrate` and `rake db:reset`
Search is powered by [sunspot](github.com/sunspot/sunspot). Before running the rails app, you need to start up sunspopt with ‘rake sunspot:solr:start`.
Now start the rails app with ‘rails server`