- 👋 Hi, I’m @Twinkym
- 👀 I’m interested in Java, C#, JS, TS, HTML, CSS, Python, Kotlin, Unity, Animations, Data, Sql, Query;
- in fact I'm focused in all things about dev. I love dev, solve challenges, find new ways to do the same
- solutions.
- As a half-term goal to obtain a degree in software engineering,
- by 2023 I have as objectives to cerificarme of the 4 languages I speak up to a level B2,
- this in the first half of the year or less,
- get my first job as a full-time developerstack although I am open after options like front or back,
- I positively value to develop in android, IoT and Unity;
- for the second semester of the year I have some proposals
- among which are learning a language which will decide the market.
- I would like to specialize in java development and C# (.NET),
- are two technologies that I see very attractive for their versatility,
- in fact the continuous formation forms part of philosophy fills me and increases my vision on my surroundings
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Android Java with UPvalenciaX & edX, Angular with angular.io & React with Reactjs.org
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Development projects that allow me to consolidate the knowledge acquired over the last two and a half years,
- and to enrich my portfolio with more than personal projects or study.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- Linked-in
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