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ROS/PX4 flight controller configured to run in either Gazebo simulation or on Raspberry Pi 3 + Navio 2 hardware.

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ROS_Multidrone Controller - Ubuntu 16.04

This is a ROS package for use in developing multi-quadcopter applications. It is capable of generating multiple flight controller instances, which can be simulated using SITL in Gazebo (master or michael-vel branches) or run on hardware (hardware branch). Below are instructions for setting this up as well as running the modules.

First time setup:

  1. Run from
    • This installs ROS along with the tools (gazebo, mavros, px4 sitl) necessary for running/visualizing drones.
    chmod +x
  2. Install PX4 firmware
    • Check that under ~/src/Firmware, the PX4 firmware repository exists, which can be found here:
    • This is referenced in (can change location here if PX4 is installed somewhere else) which is used later to generate launch file with n number of drones.
    git clone
    cd Firmware
    git checkout stable
    make posix_sitl_default
    make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo
  3. Clone this repo to your machine
    git clone

Running simulation:

  1. Ensure paths in and are set up properly.
  • ROS_SIM_DIR should point to where ROS_Multidrone was cloned: ie. ~/ROS_Multidrone
  • FIRMWARE_DIR should point to where PX4's firmware was cloned: ie. ~/Firmware
  1. Run launch_sim to build project, generate models, and start ROS/Gazebo/PX4.
cd ROS_Multidrone/scripts
chmod +x
./ <num_drones>
  • When exiting, ctrl+c the gazebo terminal on top right and wait for it to clean up before closing terminal
  • The Python and C++ controllers can be closed at any time without leaving artifacts behind.


On NAVIO2 + Raspberry Pi hardware, the connections would be set up according to the following:

Hardware arch

In software, connections are as follows:

Software arch

More about simulation scripts:

can be found under scripts/

  • Port number indicates starting port in the range [starting_port, starting_port + 4 * number_of_drones] which must be a free block of ports that can be allocated to mavros->ROS/Gazebo interactions. Something like 9000 or 10000 usually works well here.
  • Note for future: After investigating more recent changes to PX4 Firmware, it looks like it is buggy on the port assignments. They are moving towards a single, unified vehicle startup model, which would require modifications to Firmware/ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d-posix/rcS to properly assign ports.

ROS MSG Parameters [Based on PX4 ver]

When running simulation, it is possible to tap into ROS topics to see what is happening in the system:

rostopic list
rostopic echo <topic_name>
(ctrl+c to exit)

ROS Topics

  1. mavros/state - tells current flight mode of the drone []
  2. droneObj - custom topic that tells drone the next objective in LLA format
  3. mavros/global_position/global - GPS information
  4. mavros/setpoint_position/global - tells drone where to go in LLA
    • PX4 does not have LLA setpoint function. this topic will take in LLA format and translate it into x,y,z format and send to FCU. However I encountered a problem with the time stamp safty feature, I managed to get it working after removing such safty feature in the source code then rebuild mavros.
    • In "~/catkin_ws/src/mavros/mavros/src/plugins/setpoint_position.cpp" at line 225 remove the if-else statement and just let it call "send_position_target(req->header.stamp, sp);" rebuild mavros by running "catkin build" in "~/catkin_ws"


  1. mavros/cmd/arming - arm the drone
  2. mavros/set_mode - set the current flight mode


ROS/PX4 flight controller configured to run in either Gazebo simulation or on Raspberry Pi 3 + Navio 2 hardware.






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