Releases: UNC-Libraries/box-c
Releases · UNC-Libraries/box-c
Deploy 2022-07-27 v5.16.0
- Adds modal for viewing all values of a facet
- Adds "Unknown" value for Date Created facet
- Fixes bug with searches that contain stopwords (
- Fixes display of lock icon on admin units
- Fixes some build issues for javascript components
- Fixes full text search not working on record pages
- Includes additional integration tests for search APIs
- Fixes indexing commit bug that was throwing an error for batches of work updates
- Fixes front page links to format searches, and their counts.
Deploy 2022-06-14 v5.15.1
- Don't index date added as date created
- Fix error occasionally occurring when indexing works too quickly
- Fix error indexing works with a tombstone as primary object, and clear primary object relation if it gets tombstoned
- Adds API for listing facets, but not displayed in UI yet
- Hiding additional mods fields
- Factories and setup to support integration tests
Deploy 2022-05-25 v5.15.0
- New facets added: Genre, Admin Unit, Location, Date Created, Publisher
- Format facet split into two facets, and categories adjusted
- Showing facets on full record page
- Cleanup of solr schema, changes to fields to improve sorting/faceting,
- Indexing rights statements
- Changed definition of parentCollection and parentUnit fields to include titles
- Using Vite
- Adds Sort by Date in public UI
- Link to parent work from file page
- Adds digital exhibits field and display
- Adds start over button to search results
Deploy 2022-04-8 v5.14.3
- Security updates for spring4shell
- Replace old version of log4j with reload4j to address security issues
- Security updates for jackson-databind
- Security updates for logback
Deploy 2022-03-30 v5.14.2
deploy-2022-03-30v5.14.2 LIB-16359 - Resolve issues with refreshing solr after move operations…
Deploy 2022-03-23 v5.14.1
- Bug fix for issue related to move operations using the structure browse panel
Deploy-2022-03-09 v5.14.0
- Adds internationalization plugin for public ui
- Adjustments to what MODS fields index to subject field
- Fix bug that allowed indexing of empty subjects
- Hiding facet categories when they don't return any facet values
- Refactoring of search configuration
- Updates to MODS templates for generic, continuing resources, and oral histories
- Security updates
Deploy-2022-02-24 v5.13.2
- Fix bug triggered when trying to open multiobject Update Patron Access dialog
- Indexing of genre facet, but not displaying
- Security updates
Deploy-2022-02-16 v5.13.1
- Bug fix for advanced search causing work file list not to populate
Deploy-2022-02-16 v5.13.0
- Improved performance for blank searches
- Updates to thumbnail selection behavior, particularly for multifile works
- Change to default namePart separator and MODS exclusion paths
- Updated "Keyword" to "Anywhere" in advanced search
- Fixed "CDR" reference in MODS import screen
- Fixed bug that caused some jpgs to not get width/height set, and caused UV error when accessing these items
- Security updates to java and js dependencies