Releases: UPBGE/upbge
Weekly UPBGE Build
Automated Weekly Build of UPBGE 0.45 Alpha
- Linux (x86_64)
- Windows (x86_64, ARM64)
- macOS (Intel, ARM64)
Download the corresponding file for your OS below.
Weekly UPBGE Build
Automated Weekly Build of UPBGE 0.45 Alpha
- Linux (x86_64)
- Windows (x86_64)
Download the corresponding file for your OS below.
UPBGE 0.36.1
This is the upbge 0.36.1 release. Here are the release notes:
15/10/2023 Note from lordloki:
Today I modified the windows, linux and macos builds replacing the logic nodes 2.3 addon for logic nodes 2.4 to avoid incompatibilities with new uplogic module release. Also, I fixed the pose_library addon.
I also updated the MD5 and sha512 hashes.
UPBGE 0.36
This is the upbge 0.36 release. Here are the release notes:
UPBGE 0.30
This is the upbge 0.30 release. Here are the release notes:
UPBGE 0.2.5b
Check notes about this release in release notes:
UPBGE 0.2.5
New UPBGE 0.2.5 Release
v0.2.4: UPBGE: Fix duplication of navigation mesh objects.
The duplication of navigation mesh was processing a regeneration of the mesh and a registration to the scene in the function BuildNavMesh. But the caller (ProcessReplica) is on an object without a scene graph node and so an access to its scene, this mean that the try to register the nav mesh in the scene obstacle simulation failed in BuildNavMesh because the scene is unreachable. To fix this issue the management of obstacle simulation for nav mesh and obstacles is fully moved into KX_Scene::AddNodeReplicaObject after the new object ensure a scene graph node. Fix issue #926.