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@lawalter lawalter released this 31 Oct 16:40
· 6 commits to main since this release

migbirdHIP 1.3.0

Package version for 2024-2025 HIP data.

Major changes & new features

  • Edited shiftCheck() to return a summary of shift errors rather than just a table of record id values.
  • Edited issueCheck(), issueAssign(), and issuePlot() to accommodate new rules in evaluating if a record is current. All records are now current unless their issue_date falls before issue_start or after the last day of migratory bird hunting in the record's state.
  • Edited proof() and errorPlot_fields() to no longer flag and/or plot youth hunters (hunters with birth year < 16 years ago).

Minor changes / bug fixes

  • Template dl_report.qmd
    • Excluded future data line from agenda tab
    • Minor adjustments for edge cases in which summary variables are NULL
    • Added clarification to table captions
    • Eliminated irrelevant error and warning message printouts from rendered report
    • Remove inconsequential "bad bags" from Agenda tab; do not report 1s received instead of 0s, or 0s received instead of 1s
    • Edited "bad bags" section of agenda tab to return a message in the edge case of 0% of a file containing bad bag values
    • Edited the Issuance tab to reflect new rules in evaluating if a record is current
  • Edited identicalBags() function to exclude matching coots_snipe and rails_gallinules from MI in output; this state uses the response from one question to populate both fields.
  • Edited read_hip() function to exclude "hold" subdirectories when reading season HIP data.
  • Updated R dependency to v4.4.0.
  • Added programmatic stopifnot() to all functions to safeguard against running with incorrect/invalid parameters.
  • Reduced variation in parameter names:
    • distinct changed to unique for pullErrors()
    • output changed to return for outOfStateHunters()
    • assigned_data changed to x for issuePlot()
    • data changed to x for glyphCheck(), glyphFinder(), issueAssign(), issueCheck(), and shiftCheck()