sofiactl is an open source cross-platform tool and sdk to control Sofia powered Hi35xx DVR devices using hybrid JSON/binary communication protocol used by original CMS software (default port 34567) --user username --pass password --host --port 34567 --command command [ --of output_file ] [ -d] [ --help]
ALWAYS BACKUP your configuration with OEM CMS software before using this tool
supported commands:
command | description |
OPTimeSetting | Set device time to the current time |
Users | Get users info |
Groups | Get groups info |
SystemInfo | Get system info |
StorageInfo | Get storage info |
OEMInfo | Get OEM info |
WorkState | Get work state |
LogExport | Download logs to the output file specified by --of parameter |
ConfigExport | Download configuration files to the output file specified by --of parameter |
OPStorageManagerClear | Format storage (remove all recording) |
OPStorageManagerRO | Switch partition 0 to read-only mode (not tested!) |
OPStorageManagerRW | Switch partition 0 to read/write mode (not tested!) |
OPFileQuery | Search records. Requires --bt, --et, --ch parameters |
OPLogQuery | Search logs. Requires --bt, --et parameters |
OPPTZControl | Execute PTZ command. Reuires parameter --sd CommandName; available PTZ commands: DirectionRight, DirectionLeft, DirectionUp, DirectionDown, ZoomWide, ZoomTile, IrisLarge, IrisSmall, FocusNear, FocusFar |
ConfigGet | Get configuration of specified by --co parameter section |
AuthorityList | Get authenticated user access permissions |
OPTimeQuery | Get device date and time |
Ability | Get device eatures |
User | Add new user. Requires --username, --newuserpass and --newusergroup parameters |
DeleteUser | Delete existing user |
ChannelTitle | Show channel titles |
ChannelTitleSet | Set channel titles. Pass comma separated channel titles for all device channels |
ConfigSet | Set configuration section (--co) value from set data (--sd) or input json file (--if). WARNING!!! There are reports about settings break using thius command. Hold on with use this option until resolution confirm. |
Reboot | Reboot the device |
Upgrade | Upgrade the device firmware. Firmware file name should be passed with (--if) parameter. |
parameter | description |
--help | Print a brief help message and exits |
--of | Path to output file filename |
--user | Username |
--pass | Password |
--hashtype | Hash type. "md5based" - md5 based hash calculation (modified md5, default), "plain" - password hash as-is (plain text) |
--host | DVR/NVR hostname or ip address |
--port | DVR/NVR CMS port |
--bt | Search begin time, ISO 8601 format (example: 2018-01-29T17:00:00Z) |
--et | Search end time, ISO 8601 format |
--ch | Channel |
--co | Config option. Sections: AVEnc, Ability, Alarm, BrowserLanguage, Detect, General, Guide, NetWork, Profuce, Record, Storage, System, fVideo, Uart. Subsection could be requested in as object property, example: Uart.Comm |
--dl | Download found files |
--c | DVR/NVR command: OPTimeSetting, Users, Groups, WorkState, StorageInfo, SystemInfo, OEMInfo, LogExport, ConfigExport, OPStorageManagerClear, OPStorageManagerRO, OPStorageManagerRW, OPFileQuery, OPLogQuery, ConfigGet, AuthorityList, OPTimeQuery, Ability, User, DeleteUser, ChannelTitle |
--username | Name of user to add/edit/delete |
--newuserpass | Password for new user |
--newusergroup | Group of new user. Must exists, permissions (authorities) will be copied from that group |
--if | Input file for setting data/to upgrade firmware from |
--sd | Set data |
--d | Debug output |
--jp | JSON pretty print |
--fd | Dsconnect immediately after sending the command without getting a reply |
DVR HJCCTV HJ-H4808BW (XiongMai, Hi3520, MBD6304T)
IP Camera PBFZ TCV-UTH200 (XiongMai, Hi3518, 50H20L_S39)
SANNCE 4CH 1080P PoE NVR (XiongMai, NBD6904T-F)
3516EV200+SC4239P Module (XiongMai, IVG85HF30PS-S)
Sony IMX307+3516EV200 Module (XiongMai, IVG-85HF20PYA-S)
USAFEQLO USA-IPT-Y307/335 (XiongMai, NRW4X-5274P-5X, XM530_80X50_8M)
Copyright (C) 2014-2020 667bdrm
Dual licensed under GNU General Public License 2 and commercial license
Commercial license available by request
vendor specifications:
vendor sdk:
Additional protocol reference :
password hashing: