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fix: account token ownership limit when transfer #2471

fix: account token ownership limit when transfer

fix: account token ownership limit when transfer #2471

GitHub Actions / int test results - quartz failed Jun 24, 2024 in 0s

1152 passed, 1 failed and 12 skipped

Tests failed

❌ js-packages/tests/mochawesome-report/test-1719221071.json

1165 tests were completed in 981s with 1152 passed, 1 failed and 12 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
1152✔️ 1❌ 12✖️ 886s


(!negative test!) integration test: ext. confirmSponsorship():
(!negative test!) integration test: ext. createCollection():
(!negative test!) integration test: ext. destroyCollection():
(!negative test!) integration test: ext. removeCollectionSponsor():
(!negative test!) integration test: ext. setCollectionSponsor():
(!negative tests!) Create FT collection from EVM
(!negative tests!) Create NFT collection from EVM
(!negative tests!) Create RFT collection from EVM
[approveToken] Approved amount decreases by the transferred amount:
[approveToken] Approved users can transferFrom up to approved amount:
[approveToken] Approved users cannot use transferFrom to repeat transfers if approved amount was already transferred:
[approveToken] Integration Test approve(spender, collection_id, item_id, amount) with collection admin permissions:
[approveToken] Negative Integration Test approve(spender, collection_id, item_id, amount):
[approveToken] Normal user can approve other users to transfer:
[approveToken] User cannot approve for the amount greater than they own:
[approveToken] User may clear the approvals to approving for 0 amount:
[approveTokenFromEth] Approved amount decreases by the transferred amount:
[approveTokenFromEth] Approved users can transferFrom up to approved amount:
[approveTokenFromEth] Approved users cannot use transferFrom to repeat transfers if approved amount was already transferred:
[approveTokenFromEth] Integration Test approve(spender, collection_id, item_id, amount) with collection admin permissions:
[approveTokenFromEth] Negative Integration Test approve(spender, collection_id, item_id, amount):
[approveTokenFromEth] Normal user can approve other users to transfer:
[approveTokenFromEth] User cannot approve for the amount greater than they own:
[approveTokenFromEth] User may clear the approvals to approving for 0 amount:
[eth]CollectionHelperAddress test: ERC20/ERC721
[FT] Sync sub & eth events
[NFT] Sync sub & eth events
[RFT] Sync sub & eth events
Add collection admins
Administrator and collection owner do not need approval in order to execute TransferFrom (with owner_can_transfer_flag = true):
App promotion admin adress
App promotion collection sponsoring
App promotion contract sponsoring
App promotion events
App promotion payoutStakers
App promotion stake extrinsic
App promotion stopSponsoringCollection
App promotion stopSponsoringContract
App promotion Unstaking
Burn Item event
Can set collection limits
Cannot set invalid collection limits
Change owner tests
Change substrate owner tests
Check ERC721 token URI for NFT
Check ERC721 token URI for ReFungible
Collection zero limits (Fungible)
Collection zero limits (NFT)
Collection zero limits (ReFungible)
Common metadata
Common nesting tests
Composite nesting tests
Connection smoke test
Contract calls
Create collection event
Create collection from EVM Collection admins
Create collection from EVM Collection properties
Create collection from EVM Create RFT collection from EVM
Create collection from EVM Flags
Create collection from EVM Fungible collection
Create collection from EVM Nesting
Create collection from EVM Nonfungible collection
Create collection from EVM Sponsoring
Create collection from EVM Token property permissions
Create FT collection from EVM
Create Item event
Create Multiple Items Event event
Create NFT collection from EVM
Create RFT collection from EVM
Destroy collection event
Destroy Collection from EVM
Effective collection limits (NFT)
Enable/Disable Transfers
ERC 1633 implementation
ERC-721 call methods
ERC165 tests
Eth fees are correct
Ethereum native RPC calls
Evm Coder tests
EVM collection allowlist
EVM collection properties
EVM contract allowlist
EVM Migrations
EVM nesting tests group Fungible
EVM nesting tests group Integration Test: EVM Nesting
EVM nesting tests group Negative Test: EVM Nesting
evm nft collection sponsoring
EVM payable contracts
evm RFT collection sponsoring
evm RFT token sponsoring
EVM sponsoring
EVM token properties
EVM token properties negative
EVM transaction fees
Fractionalizer contract usage
FT: ERC-20 call methods
Fungible (Via EVM proxy): Information getting
Fungible (Via EVM proxy): Plain calls
Fungible negative tests
Fungible: Fees
Fungible: Plain calls
Fungible: Substrate calls
Helpers sanity check
Integration Test addCollectionAdmin(collection_id, new_admin_id):
Integration Test approveToken(spender, collection_id, item_id, amount):
Integration Test approveTokenFromEth(spender, collection_id, item_id, amount):
Integration Test changeCollectionOwner(collection_id, new_owner) special checks for exOwner:
Integration Test changeCollectionOwner(collection_id, new_owner):
Integration Test createMultipleItems(collection_id, owner, items_data):
Integration Test ext. Allow list tests Negative
Integration Test ext. Allow list tests Positive
Integration Test ext. Mint if included in Allow List Public Access Mode = Normal, Mint Mode = false Positive
Integration Test ext. Mint if included in Allow List Public Access Mode = Normal, Mint Mode = true Negative
Integration Test ext. Remove from Allow List Negative
Integration Test ext. Remove from Allow List Positive
Integration Test ext. Transfer if included in Allow List Negative
Integration Test ext. Transfer if included in Allow List Positive
Integration Test getNextSponsored(collection_id, owner, item_id):
Integration Test removeCollectionAdmin(collection_id, account_id):
Integration Test Transfer(recipient, collection_id, item_id, value)
Integration Test transferFrom(from, recipient, collection_id, item_id, value):
Integration Test: Access Rights to Token Properties
integration test: API UNIQUE consts
Integration Test: Collator Selection Dynamic shuffling of collators
Integration Test: Collator Selection Getting and releasing licenses to collate Negative
Integration Test: Collection Properties
Integration Test: Collection Properties FT
Integration Test: Collection Properties NFT
Integration Test: Collection Properties RFT
Integration Test: Collection Properties with sudo FT
Integration Test: Collection Properties with sudo NFT
Integration Test: Collection Properties with sudo RFT
Integration Test: createMultipleItemsEx
integration test: ext. ():
integration test: ext. burnItem() with admin permissions:
integration test: ext. burnItem():
integration test: ext. confirmSponsorship():
integration test: ext. createCollection():
integration test: ext. destroyCollection():
integration test: ext. removeCollectionSponsor():
integration test: ext. setCollectionSponsor():
integration test: Fees must be credited to Treasury:
integration test: Fungible functionality:
Integration Test: Identities Manipulation Identities
Integration Test: Identities Manipulation Sub-identities
integration test: Inflation
Integration Test: Maintenance Functionality Maintenance Mode
Integration Test: ownerCanTransfer allows admins to use only transferFrom/burnFrom:
integration test: Refungible functionality:
integration test: RPC methods
Integration Test: Set Permissions
Integration Test: Token Properties
Integration Test: Token Properties with sudo NFT
Integration Test: Token Properties with sudo RFT
Integration Test: Unnesting
Market V2 Contract
Matcher contract usage
Minting tokens
Native fungible
NativeFungible: ERC20 calls
NativeFungible: ERC20UniqueExtensions calls
Negative Enable/Disable Transfers
Negative Integration Test addCollectionAdmin(collection_id, new_admin_id):
Negative Integration Test changeCollectionOwner(collection_id, new_owner):
Negative Integration Test createMultipleItems(collection_id, owner, items_data):
Negative Integration Test removeCollectionAdmin(collection_id, account_id):
Negative Integration Test Transfer(recipient, collection_id, item_id, value)
Negative Integration Test transferFrom(from, recipient, collection_id, item_id, value):
Negative Integration Test: Access Rights to Token Properties
Negative Integration Test: Collection Properties FT
Negative Integration Test: Collection Properties NFT
Negative Integration Test: Collection Properties RFT
Negative integration test: ext. burnItem():
Negative integration test: ext. createItem():
Negative Integration Test: Set Permissions
Negative Integration Test: Token Properties
Negative Integration Tests for fractionalizer
negative properties
Negative test: createMultipleItemsEx
Negative Test: Nesting
Negative Test: Unnesting
Negative tests
Nesting by collection admin
NFT (Via EVM proxy): Information getting
NFT (Via EVM proxy): Plain calls
NFT: Fees
NFT: Plain calls
NFT: Substrate calls
Normal user can approve other users to be wallet operator:
Number of tokens per address (NFT)
  ❌ Collection limits allow lower number than chain limits, collection limits are enforced
	Error: common.AccountTokenLimitExceeded
Number of tokens per address (ReFungible)
Pallet presence
Performace tests
query properties RPC
Refungible nesting
Refungible nesting negative tests
ReFungible token properties permissions tests
Refungible transfer tests
ReFungible-specific nesting tests
Refungible: burn
Refungible: burn negative tests
Refungible: Fees
Refungible: Plain calls
Refungible: Substrate calls
Remove collection admins
RFT: ERC-20 call methods
RFT: Fees
RPC eth_getCode
Send value to contract
setCollectionLimits negative
setCollectionLimits positive
Sponsoring EVM contracts
Sponsoring Fee Limit
Supports ERC721Metadata
Token transfer between substrate address and EVM address. Fungible
Token transfer between substrate address and EVM address. NFT
Transfer event
Transfers to self (potentially over substrate-evm boundary)
TxVersion is present


Check failure on line 0 in js-packages/tests/mochawesome-report/test-1719221071.json

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / int test results - quartz

► Number of tokens per address (NFT) ► Collection limits allow lower number than chain limits, collection limits are enforced

Failed test found in:
  Error: common.AccountTokenLimitExceeded
Raw output
Error: common.AccountTokenLimitExceeded
    at DevUniqueHelper.executeExtrinsic (file:///opt/actions-runner/_work/unique-chain/unique-chain/js-packages/playgrounds/unique.ts:613:23)
    at async NFTGroup.mintToken (file:///opt/actions-runner/_work/unique-chain/unique-chain/js-packages/playgrounds/unique.ts:1459:32)
    at async UniqueNFTCollection.mintToken (file:///opt/actions-runner/_work/unique-chain/unique-chain/js-packages/playgrounds/unique.ts:2620:16)
    at async file:///opt/actions-runner/_work/unique-chain/unique-chain/js-packages/tests/limits.test.ts:27:9
    at async file:///opt/actions-runner/_work/unique-chain/unique-chain/js-packages/test-utils/util.ts:114:13
    at async usingPlaygroundsGeneral (file:///opt/actions-runner/_work/unique-chain/unique-chain/js-packages/test-utils/util.ts:49:18)
    at async Context.<anonymous> (file:///opt/actions-runner/_work/unique-chain/unique-chain/js-packages/test-utils/util.ts:110:9)