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Run Unit Tests via Pytest


Wikimapcts is the first version of climate impact dataset creating by generative AI GPT4.0



  • Install poetry Then activate a virtual environment and install the dependencies:
poetry shell # activates a venv
poetry install # installs all dependencies from the lockfile
  • Install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
# install after downloading from
git lfs install


(Step 0) Run your experiments!

Run prompt experiments on OpenAI models

If you use OpenAI models, there is a way to save your cost with running experiments in batch. We developed a series of prompts for our database as follows

  • V_0 is a list of prompts used in the NLP2024 paper
  • V_1 is the list of prompts used for L1-3 and the annotation is directly quoted from the article
  • V_2 is the list of prompts for L1-3 with annotation gives the header names (V_0-2 are not recommanded, because the variable names are not matched with following pipeline)
  • V_3_1 is a version based on V2, but with freezed variable names as the schema we confirmed
  • V_3_2 is a version based on V3, but in L1, we prompt the model to only capture affected countries
  • V_4 is the one with two prompts for each impact category, one prompt for L1/2 and one for L3
  • V_5 is the one with three prompts for each impact category Before you run our pipeline, please choose a version of prompts to proceed, which can be revised in the beginning of
from Database.Prompts.prompts import V_3 as target_prompts

(Step 1) Raw output

Choose the raw file contains the text you need to process, please use the clear raw file name to indicate your experiment, this name will be used as the output file, the api env you want to use, the decription of the experiment, the prompt category, and the batch file location you want to store the batch file (this is not mandatory, but it's good to check if you create correct batch file)

(Step 2) GPT models

Choose the model you want to apply. The default model is "gpt-4o-2024-05-13"

  • below is a command example you can refer to run the script:
poetry run python3 Database/Prompts/ --filename wiki_dev_whole_infobox_20240729_70single_events.json --raw_dir Database/Wiki_dev_test_articles --batch_dir Database/Prompts/batch --api_env .env --description all_categories_V3  --model_name gpt-4o-2024-08-06 --max_tokens 16384  --prompt_category all

(Step 3) Retrieve results

Choose the same raw file as you run the experiment, the same api env to access your remote OpenAI server and the output directory to store your result.

  • below is a command example you can refer to run the script:
poetry run python3  Database/Prompts/  --api_env .env  --output_dir  Database/raw/batch_test  --file_name wiki_dev_whole_infobox_20240729_70single_events.json  --raw_dir  Database/Wiki_dev_test_articles --description all_categories_V3

Parsing and evaluation pipeline

If you have generated some LLM output and would like to test it against the dev and test gold sets, here is a list of command to enable you to experiment with this yourself.

(Step 1) Experiment name

Choose a new experiment name! You will use this <EXPERIMENT_NAME> for the whole pipeline.

PRESTEP (before Step 2):

If the system output is split across several files (such as Mixtral and Mistral system outputs), then first merge it:

  • Normalizing JSON output for Mistral/Mixtral If the system output is split across several files (such as Mixtral and Mistral system outputs), then first merge it:

    poetry run python3 Database/ \
    --input_dir Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME>/<RAW_JSON_FILES> \
    --output_dir Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME> \
    --model_name <MY_MODEL>
  • Normalizing JSON output for GPT4o

    GPT4o sometimes produces inconsistent JSON where it nests keys like "Location" under "Location_Information" and start and end date under the key "Time_Information". In this case, you need to unnest these using the script below:

    poetry run python3 Database/ \
    -i "Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME>/<INPUT_FILE.JSON>" \
    -o "Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME>/<OUTPUT_FILE.JSON>" \
    -n "data types and nested fields"

    Another case discovered is that the LLM might sometimes return "Num" in l2 and l3 as a list rather than an int. This can be corrected with the same script:

    poetry run python3 Database/ \
    -i "Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME>/<INPUT_FILE.JSON>" \
    -o "Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME>/<OUTPUT_FILE.JSON>" \
    -n "list of nums"


Your raw system output files should always land in the Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME> directory!


JSON files can be formatted easily with pre-commit:

pre-commit run --files Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME>/> <JSON_FILE_THAT_NEEDS_FORMATTING>

(Step 2) Parsing l1, l2, and l3 events

Once all system output files are merged into a single JSON file (or if this was already the case, such as with GPT4 output), you can parse them so they are ready to be evaluated. The parsing script Database/ will normalize numbers (to min and max) and locations (using OpenStreetMap) and output a JSON file.

# parse events
poetry run python3 Database/ \
--raw_dir Database/raw/<EXPERIMENT_NAME> \
--filename <JSON_FILE> \
--output_dir Database/output/<EXPERIMENT_NAME> \
--event_levels l1,l3 # list of events to parse, separated by a comma. Case sensitive!

# explore more options
poetry run python3 Database/ --help

You can also parse l1 first and store a row file. Later on, you can parse l2 or l3 from the same file without having to re-tun all of the parsing for l1. This allows splitting jobs. You can try the example below on dummy data. It's best to delete the contents of Database/output/dummy first to re-run the example!

# first, clear the dummy output directory
rm -rv Database/output/dummy

# then, parse l1 and store the raw files in json (by setting the flag "--store_raw_l1")
# make sure to specify the name of the raw_l1 file
poetry run python3 Database/ \
--raw_dir Database/raw/dummy \
--filename dummy_llm_output_l1_l2_l3.json \
--output_dir Database/output/dummy \
--event_levels l1 \
--store_raw_l1 \
--raw_l1 "l1.raw.json"

# at a later time, parse l3 or l2 or both from the same file using the raw_l1 file
# NOTE: if you pass a value to the "--raw_l1" paramater, it means that l1 data
# will always be loaded from this raw file, even if passed in "--event_levels"
poetry run python3 Database/ \
--raw_dir Database/raw/dummy \
--filename dummy_llm_output_l1_l2_l3.json \
--output_dir Database/output/dummy \
--event_levels l3,l2 \
--raw_l1 "l1.raw.json"


Normalizing countries will go slow the first time. This is because we are using a free API (currently!). However, each time this script is run locally, geopy will cache the results, meaning that it will go faster the next time you run it on your local branch. Allow for 15-20 minutes the first time.

(Step 2) Evaluate against the dev and test sets

(A) Choose your config and columns

The python dictionary in contains different weight configs. For example, the experiments nlp4climate weighs all the column types equally but excludes the "Event_Name" from evaluation.

Also, this config will result in evaluating only on this smaller set of columns, so this list also functions as a set of columns that will be included in the evaluation script for this experiment.


If any of these columns are not found in your gold file, they will be ignored

    "weights" = {
        "nlp4climate": {
            "Event_ID": 1,
            "Main_Event": 1,
            "Event_Name": 0,
            "Total_Deaths_Min": 1,
            "Total_Deaths_Max": 1,
            "Total_Damage_Min": 1,
            "Total_Damage_Max": 1,
            "Total_Damage_Units": 1,
            "Start_Date_Day": 1,
            "Start_Date_Month": 1,
            "Start_Date_Year": 1,
            "End_Date_Day": 1,
            "End_Date_Month": 1,
            "End_Date_Year": 1,
            "Country_Norm": 1,

(B) Evaluate L1 (Total Summary) events

When your config is ready, run the evaluation script:

poetry run python3 Evaluation/ --sys_output  Database/output/<EXPERIMENT_NAME>/dev/<EXPERIMENT.PARQUET> --gold_set Database/gold/<EXPERIMENT_GOLD.PARQUET> --model_name "<EXPERIMENT_NAME>/<DATA_SPLIT>" --null_penalty 1 --score all --weights_config <EXPERIMENT_NAME> --event_level <L1,L2,L3>

For example, the script below runs the evaluation on the output from mixtral-8x7b-insctruct agains the dev set gold file, and saves the results in Database/evaluation_results/example/dev:

poetry run python3 Evaluation/ --sys_output  Database/output/nlp4climate/dev/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-source.parquet \
--gold_set Database/gold/gold_dev_20240515.parquet \
--model_name "example/dev" \
--null_penalty 1 \
--score all \
--weights_config nlp4climate \
--event_level l1 # for the nlp4climate experiments, only l1 is avaiable and backwards compatible

Evaluate l2 (Instance per Administrative Area) and l3 (Specific Instance Per Administrative Area) events

Specific instances (l2 and l3) can be evaluated using the same script. The same script (Evaluation/ will automatically match specific instances from the gold data with the system output. If no match exists for a specific instance, it will be matched up with a "padded" example with NULL values so that the system is penalized for not having been able to find a particular specific instance or for finding extra specific instances not found in the gold dataset.

Below is a scipt that evaluates two dummy sets (gold and sys) to showcase a working example and the correct schema for the .parquet files. Note that l2 and l3 are evaluated separately from l1 events.

poetry run python3 Evaluation/ \
--sys_file tests/specific_instance_eval/test_sys_list_death.parquet \
--gold_set tests/specific_instance_eval/test_gold_list_death.parquet \
--model_name "example/dev/deaths" \
--event_level l2 \
--weights_config specific_instance \
--impact_type deaths

If run properly, you should see the results in Database/evaluation_results/specific_instance_eval_test:

└── dev
    └── deaths
        ├── all_27_deaths_avg_per_event_id_results.csv # <- average error rate grouped by event_id
        ├── all_27_deaths_avg_results.json # <- overall average results
        ├── all_27_deaths_results.csv # <- results for each pair of gold/sys
        ├── gold_deaths.parquet # <- modified gold file with matches + padded specific instances
        └── sys_deaths.parquet # <- modified sys file with matches + padded specific instances


Do not commit these files to your branch or to main, big thanks!

Evaluating L1, L2, and L3 in a single run

To evaluate all event levels and categories, make sure your gold files and sys output files are in the correct structure as described in Evaluation/, then run this script:

# dataSplit can be dev or test
source Evaluation/ goldFileDir sysFileDir dataSplit
# example using ESDD_2024 data
source Evaluation/ Database/gold/ESSD_2024 Database/output/ESSD_2024 dev

Inserting events to the database

Insertion is done by event level (l1, l2, or l3). Examples:

# to append l1 events
poetry run python3 Database/ -m "append" -lvl l1 -db impact.v1.db

# to replace l2 events ⚠️ WILL replace all entries! ⚠️
poetry run python3 Database/ -m "replace" -lvl l2 -db impact.v1.db

# explore more options
poetry run python3 Database/ --help

# on dummy events ⚠️ please don't push these database insertions to github! ⚠️
poetry run python3 Database/ -m append -f Database/output/dummy/l1 -db impact.v1.db -lvl l1

To insert a large number of events in the database all at once (supports chunked .parquet files), the files need to be in a specific format described in Database/scr/ The directory structure in Database/output/dummy follows this format.

To perform this on the existing dummy data:

# format:

# normal run (full insertion into the database)
source Database/ Database/output/dummy impact.v1.db tmp/files

# dry run (aka only stores the data after de-duplicating geojson objects)
source Database/ Database/output/dummy impact.v1.db tmp/files --dry_run --save_output --output_dir=Database/output/dummy_deduplciated

# normal run with saving the output (notice that the `-d`/`--dry_run` flag is replaced with an empty string)
source Database/ Database/output/dummy impact.v1.db tmp/files "" --save_outout  --output_dir=Database/output/dummy_deduplciated

Filling the data-gap

Filling the data gap is a post-processing step described in Issue #173 and PR #174.

poetry run python3 Database/ -i Database/output/full_run_25_deduplicated -o Database/output/full_run_25_deduplicated_data_gap


  • To generate the database according to Database/schema.sql:

    poetry run python3 Database/ -db impact.v1.db

SPECIAL USECASE: Converting the manual annotation table from a flat format to Events and Specific Impacts

  1. Download the latest copy of the excel sheet. The excel sheet must have the column names described in Database/gold/ImpactDB_DataTable_Validation.xlsx sheet ImpactDB_v2_gold_template.
  2. Choose the correct excel sheet and run the script:
# Change DDMMYYY to the datestamp of the excel sheet to parse
poetry run python3 Database/ \
--input-file "Database/gold/ImpactDB_DataTable_Validation.xlsx" \
--sheet-name ImpactDB_manual_copy_MDMMYYY  \
--output-dir Database/gold/gold_from_excel


Please don't track or push excel sheets into the repository The file Database/gold/ImpactDB_DataTable_Validation.xlsx has the latest gold annotations from 01/06/2024 and will be updated in the future.


Always pull a fresh copy of the main branch first! To add a new feature, check out a new branch from the main branch, make changes there, and push the new branch upstream to open a PR. PRs should result in a squash commit in the main branch. It is recommended to code responsibly and ask someone to review your code. You can always tag i-be-snek as a reviewer.

Always rebase your branch on the latest changes in main instead of merging using git rebase main. If you are having trouble with resolving merge conflicts when rebasing, consult i-be-snek.

And don't forget to pull large files from Git Large File Storage!

# always pull first
git pull main

# fetch and merge all files for your current branch
git lfs pull

# fetch and merge all files for ALL branches
git lfs pull --all

Make sure any new dependencies are handled by poetry.You should be tracking and pushing both poetry.lock and pyproject.toml files. There is no need to manually add dependencies to the pyproject.toml file. Instead, use poetry commands:

# add pandas as a main dependency
poetry add pandas -G main

# add a specific version of ipykernel as a dev dependency
poetry add ipykernel@6.29.4 -G dev


Start an Issue on GitHub if you find a bug in the code or have suggestions for a feature you need. If you run into an error or problem, please include the error trace or logs! :D


Consult this Github Cheat Sheet

Sources & Citations


Wikimapcts is the first version of climate impact dataset creating by generative AI GPT4.0







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Contributors 5