Export information about nat translates
Jakub Mackovič, Jakub Pastuszek VUT FIT Brno
- File utils.h constains define to enable debug msgs named DEBUG which is conditioned by -v argument.
- File export.c contains initialize call for syslog msg_init() which with true parameter print out syslog msgs.
natnf [ -h ] [ -c <collector-ip-address> ] [ -p <collector-port> ] [ -s ] [ -l <syslog-level> ] [ -t <template-timeout> ] [ -e <export-timeout> ] [ -d <log-path> ] [ -f ] [ -v ]
-h help
-c collector IP address
-p collector port
-s enable syslog logging
-l syslog level
-t template timeout [seconds]
-e export timeout [seconds]
-d log path
-f daemonize
-v verbose