Author: Adi Gal
Framework: Playwright Test
Coding language: JavaScript + TypeScript
- [1] Search for a Stay
- [2] Select a Listing
- [3] Confirm Booking Details
- [4] Adjust and Verify Guest Count
- [5] Change Booking Dates
- [6] Reserve and Validate
- NodeJS > 18.16.1
npm install
npm run test:playwright
Folder: config
- Contains the test execution configuration boilerplate.
Folder: fixture
- Contains an extention to Playwright's 'test' base, adding Fixtures and Configuration options.
Folder: helpers
- Contains reusable web components to support the tests.
Folder: utils
- Contains general utility classes to support the tests.
Folder: pages
- Contains page object models to support multiple tests using the same reusable operations on the web applicartion.
Folder: tests
- Contains the tests themselves.
📝 You'll find playwright.config.ts file which configures the test base url, browser and headless mode.
📝 The test execution scrips are store in the package.json
📝 Test execution results are being saved to execution-results
in sibling to the tests folder