Portfolio Site - https://www.techsport.app/profile
Tech Support @ TechSport - https://techsport.vampyre.42web.io/index.html
If you are bored while waiting for the page to load , feel free to watch a movie at my movie site ,
- Search for a movie or a tv series , select , then find a working server to play in the watch tab - For best results , use brave browser

🔭 I’m currently working on ** Building apps with Ionic and Capacitor - then - Angular / Cleaning repos up **
🌱 I’m currently learning Docker / Ai / Ml - / Phoenix / Elixer -**
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Environmental / Corporate ptojects
🤝 I’m looking for help with ** Three.js resource / Job and learning blog form , for developers in need. **
💬 Ask me about **HTML , CSS , JS , Python , Java , PWA's, Executable files,scripts ,or your
, ( likely ) horribly insecure operating system and computer. **
⚡ Fun fact **I run my own tech support business and develop applications as well as I do IT hardware and software support.
Im not greedy , I like a challenge , contact and lets talk. **
