Vienna 3.2.0 Beta 1
1818 commits
to master
since this release
For OS X 10.9 or later only !
- New toolbar icons
- Use default external application to view content of cached XML files
- Show acknowledgements in "About" panel
- Technical updates :
- Converted NIBs to XIBs and to Auto Layout
- Moved translation system to Base localization and Crowdin
- Refactored some UI elements to separate XIB files
- Refactorings (to KVO or delegate patterns, and conversion of various elements to properties)
- Change OpenReader to use asynchronous requests
- Update to Xcode 9
- Conversion of code for some UI elements to Swift4
- Replace CDEvents with Swift-based FSEvents implementation
- Update autorevision to 1.20
- Update Sparkle to 1.18.1
- Update MASPreferences to 1.3.0
- plus various housekeeping changes…