🆕 feat
- @visactor/vrender-components:
of graphic should support array or string - @visactor/vrender-kits: support dynamicTexture
- @visactor/vrender-kits:
of graphic should support array or string - @visactor/vrender-core: richtext support multi-breakline at the end of line
- @visactor/vrender-core: support dynamicTexture
- @visactor/vrender-core:
of graphic should support array or string - @visactor/vrender:
of graphic should support array or string
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vrender-components: datazoom and scrollbar realtime not work. fix@VisActor/VChart#3716
- @visactor/vrender-kits: datazoom error when spec is updating. fix@VisActor/VChart#3712
- @visactor/vrender-kits: fix the bug of dpr will not work when createWindowByCanvas in node env
- @visactor/vrender-core: fix issue with editing attribute when trigger focus manual
- @visactor/vrender-core: fix issue with multiline richtext lineHeight
- @visactor/vrender-core: fix issue with path parse, closed #1616
- @visactor/vrender-core: fix issue with richtext background overlap, fix issue with deFocus
- @visactor/vrender-core: clear richtext bounds while it is empty
What's Changed
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.22.0 by @github-actions in #1715
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.22.0 by @github-actions in #1716
- Fix/fix bug of creat window by canvas dpr by @xuefei1313 in #1720
- fix: fix issue with path parse, closed #1616 by @neuqzxy in #1718
- Fix/richtext editor branch by @neuqzxy in #1722
- Fix/richtext edit bounds by @neuqzxy in #1723
- fix: fix issue with editing attribute when trigger focus manual by @neuqzxy in #1725
- fix: clear richtext bounds while it is empty by @neuqzxy in #1717
- fix: fix issue with multiline richtext lineHeight by @neuqzxy in #1724
- fix: richtext support globalLineHeight support by @neuqzxy in #1721
- fix: datazoom and scrollbar error by @skie1997 in #1726
- feat: support dynamicTexture by @neuqzxy in #1732
- Feat/graphic remove state by @xile611 in #1735
- feat: richtext support multi-breakline at the end of line by @neuqzxy in #1734
- docs: update desc of graphics by @xile611 in #1728
- docs: add dynamic texture example by @neuqzxy in #1736
- docs: add dynamic texture example by @neuqzxy in #1737
- docs: add dynamic texture example by @neuqzxy in #1738
- [Auto release] release 0.22.1 by @github-actions in #1739
Full Changelog: v0.22.0...v0.22.1