There're three main procedures in this work:
- Create Dataset
- Applies NLP into dataset
- Unsupervised cluster
The source data are divide in .json files of each textual genre. For this reason, CreateDataset.ipnyb
take each file and join them
in a .json file named as goodreads_books.json
, which will be the data used in classification
The data can be found in this site
Both procedures 2 and 3 are applied in the ClusterTextualGenre.ipynb
First we take a look in the textual genre distribution
As wee see, the dataset is imbalanced, therefore we took 2000 samples for each genre. It's relevant to point that we didn't use
more samples for the lack of computacional power.
Then we applied a tokenization with text cleaning where some non-important info were removed, as ponctuation, special characters, and others. From the tokens the TFIDF matrix were computed. After that, we reduced the dimensional of TFIDF matrix with TruncatedSVD, cause the matrix were sparse and this method are more efficient.
First, we analyze the best number of groups with kElbowMethod, using kmeans, and Dendogram:
Then, applied two unsupervised methods for clustering, KMeans and Hierachical Cluster, where the KMeans got the best score. Thereafter, we made some visualization of the results:
- Igor Varejão
- Vitor Bonella