Auto RFT Completion Mindoworks
The easiest way to deploy this app is by using docker, following thw steps below:
This may depend on the machine you're using and what OS it is running, so we recommend following the guide present on
In the cloned directory, run the following command
docker build -t autorft-mindworks .
To check if the image was correctly built, run the command
docker images
You should see a autorft-mindworks image under the REPOSITORY column
Now that you have built the iamge, you can run the container by executing:
docker run -p 8501:8501 autorft-mindworks
The -p flag publishes the container's port 8501 to your server’s 8501 port, and that's the port you'll use to access the application later
You can now access the app in your browser simply using
or http://localhost:8501
, the address may vary if you're acessing it from another machine.
In this case, ask for yout IT manager to inform you the IP/Address you should access it from.
Access , and create your api key.
This path is not recommended, however, it can be a good debugging step and something the following developers of this aplication should use
In the cloned directory, run the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
To simply start the application you could get it running with the command below
streamlit run