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A Vagrant box, provisioned with Ansible and Packer, for Project Blacklight.


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Blacklight Box (Vagrant, Packer and Ansible)

License: GPL v3

This project builds and configures a virtual image containing the necessary dependencies for developing, deploying and managing Project Blacklight instances on local or remote hosts.

You'll get an Ubuntu 16.04.6 Server (386i) box ready for use with Vagrant. This box is provisioned with Ansible.

Provisioning from scratch can take a while, so Packer support is included to generate a provisioned base box which you can reuse each time you destroy an instance.


The following software must be installed/present on your local machine before you can use Packer to build the Vagrant box file:


Start by configuring your box. Copy the default.config.yml file to a new config.yml file. Settings in config.yml override the default settings as set in default.config.yml.

$ cp default.config.yml config.yml

Configure the local_path key of the vagrant_synced_folders setting. This should point to a folder on your host machine. The folder will be shared with the guest machine through the /vagrant folder.

If your setup looks like this and you want to share the Projects folder:

$ cd ~/Projects
$ ls -lah
drwxr-xr-x  12 user  staff   408B Oct 24 11:09 .
drwxr-xr-x  58 user  staff   1.9K Dec  2 16:50 ..
drwxr-xr-x  27 user  staff   918B Oct 24 15:59 project-foobar

the YAML configuration should look like this:

  # The first synced folder will be used for the default Datahub installation, if
  # any of the build_* settings are 'true'. By default the folder is set to
  # the datahub folder.
  - local_path: /Users/username/Projects
    destination: /vagrant
    type: nfs
create: true

Save and close the file. Next, boot the machine.

$ vagrant up

This will download and install a box file from Vagrant Cloud that contains all the dependencies you need to run Project Blacklight 7.x

Booting should end with a status message:

==> Machine '' has a post `vagrant up` message. This is a message
==> from the creator of the Vagrantfile, and not from Vagrant itself:
==> Your Blacklight VM Vagrant box is ready to use!
==>  Visit for instructions on how to
==>  install a new instance of Project Blacklight.

Now, SSH into your new box, install the Rails and Solrwrapper gems, and finish by installing a new Project Blacklight instance.

$ vagrant ssh
$ gem install rails
$ gem install solr_wrapper
$ cd /vagrant
$ rails new search_app -m

This will create a new folder called demo in your vagrant folder which will be accessible from your host machine (OSX, Windows,...).

Now, edit the .solr_wrapper.yml file in the demo folder. Add the version like this:

# Place any default configuration for solr_wrapper here
# port: 8983
version: 7.3.1
  dir: solr/conf/
  name: blacklight-core

Next up, start the Rails server in daemon mode. And finish by starting Apache solr.

$ rails s -d
$ solr_wrapper

Go to your browser, and point it to You should be greeted by the home page of a vanilla Project Blacklight installation.


The box can be altered by changing the Ansible configuration in the ansible folder and running ansible-playbook.

Copy or rename the blacklight.default file which contains the Ansible configuration file:

$ cp ./ansible/blacklight.default ./ansible/blacklight

Change the path-to-machine string in the inventory configuration and let it point to the directory that contains the blacklight-Box installation i.e:


Next, make sure you have all the required software (listed above) before is installed, then cd into the ansible/extension/setup directory and run:

$ sh

This script will pull down a set of external ansible roles created and maintained by other authors. These are installed in the ansible/roles/external directory.

Make changes to the Ansible roles and playbook accordingly. Then run the playbook:

$ cd ansible/plays
$ ansible-playbook -i ../blacklight blacklight.yml

Building a box from scratch

It's possible to create a custom box file from scratch and use that instead of downloading a box file from Vagrant cloud.

Make sure you have completed the steps from the provisioning section. Then run the packer command from the packer folder:

$ cd packer
$ packer build blacklight.json

After a few minutes, Packer should tell you the box was generated succesfully. You'll find the box file in the packer/build directory.

Adjust the configuration in your config.yml file, making Vagrant use the local box file instead of downloading a new box as defined in default.config.yml:

vagrant_box: blacklight-xenial32
vagrant_box_url: file://packer/build/


Vagrant will automatically update your /etc/hosts file with the correct entries. If this hasn't happened, append these lines to your /etc/hosts file:   #


URL Destination Your Project Blacklight instance Direct access to Rails server Direct access to Solr

You can add new domains and serve multiple instances of Project Blacklight. This requires extra steps:

  • Add a new domain in the config.yml file under the domains and nginx_hosts sections
  • Edit the ansible\group_vars\all\nginx.yml file, add a new vhost configuration block and provision the box again through ansible-playbook
  • Make sure that you point to a different port then 3000 (i.e 3001) to avoid conflicts with already defined vhosts. When starting rails add the -p 3001 switch.

You can add or change the IP address in the config.yml file.



Copyright 2019 - Vlaamse Kunstcollectie vzw


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.


A Vagrant box, provisioned with Ansible and Packer, for Project Blacklight.







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