5.19.4 (2025-02-26)
Update for The War Within 11.1
New in this version:
- models now have an alpha slider to set transparency
- TSU-type custom triggers have some new convenience functions available. Documentation is avaliable at https://github.com/WeakAuras/WeakAuras2/wiki/Trigger-State-Updater-(TSU)#all-states-helper-methods
- this is unlikely to matter, but note that the choice of plumbing used means this is technically a breaking change if you ever created a state with the
- this is unlikely to matter, but note that the choice of plumbing used means this is technically a breaking change if you ever created a state with the
- x-realm transfer of auras should fail less often
- improve performance
- large, deply nested groups should load significantly faster (i.e. https://wago.io/twwdungeons should be less prone to throw errors when you start an encounter)
- "Hide Cooldown Text" condition property remembered how to function
- x-realm data transfer (for sharing auras) should be more likely to actually succeed now
InfusOnWoW (6):
- Use Chomp for cross-realm transfer
- Fix EnsureRegion repeately creating parents
- Group: Don't calculate group size if not needed
- Fix Hide Cooldown Text condition
- Models: Fix Alpha animations
- Be extra picky on noValidation spell inputs
Stanzilla (1):
- chore(toc): bump version for retail
emptyrivers (1):
- put the mixins in private exec_env too
mrbuds (2):
- cache buildup optimization for 11.1
- Add alpha setting for model region