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Repository of installation scripts and binaries for unofficial and/or hacked emulators offering quality-of-life improvements for Sinden lightgun users on Raspberry Pi 4.

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Repository of installation scripts and binaries for unofficial and/or hacked emulators offering quality-of-life improvements for Sinden lightgun users on Raspberry Pi 4.

Please note that no roms are provided here.

Hacks and changes made to MAME cores

Details are given below the table. All feature updates to lr-mame-StormedBubbles also apply to lr-mess-StormedBubbles.

Description lr-mame2010-StormedBubbles lr-mame2015-StormedBubbles lr-mame2016-StormedBubbles lr-mame-StormedBubbles
Max. players 8 4 4 8
Lightgun support X X X X
Mouse support X X X X
Gun buttons X X X X
New core option X X X X
avalnche X
blueshrk X X X X
bombbee X
borntofi X X X X
bshark X
cclownz X
circus X
claybust X X X
clowns X
cutieq X
deadeye X
destroyr X
firefox X X
gdfs X X X X
geebee X
greatgun X
gypsyjug X
invasnab X X
jpark X X
lockon X
luckywld X X
mazerbla X
mmagic X
pc_duckh X X X X
pc_hgaly X X X X
pc_wgnmn X X X
ppsatan X X X
seawolf X
seawolf2 X
sharrier X
skyraid X
spacwalk X X
tailg X
topgunnr X
triplhnt X
wildplt X


  • Max. players - Maximum number of users. This number applies to joypads, lightguns, and mice (so multi-mouse/gun is supported in each of these cores). 2010, 2015, and 2016 force you to choose between absolute coordinates (lightgun) and relative coordinates (mouse) in the XY Device (Restart) core option. lr-mame allows absolute and relative coordinates to be used simultaneously, but you will want to disable one when using the other.
  • Lightgun support - Uses absolute coordinates. This is known to be compatible with and give line-of-sight alignment for Gun4IR and Sinden. Regular mice can be used here, but crosshairs should be enabled. This is meant for lightgun games, though some AD_stick, paddle, and positional games will also work well. The lightgun axes are mapped by default to all of these control types. We improved accuracy for several of these non-lightgun games, so feel free to let us know if you find a working game that could benefit from accuracy correction
  • Mouse support - Uses relative coordinates. This is meant for trackball, dial, and spinner games.
  • Gun buttons - Gun Trigger (button 1), Gun Aux A (button 2), Gun Aux B (button 3), Gun Aux C (button 4), Gun Select (coin), Gun Start (start), Gun D-Pad (digital up, down, left, right), and Gun Reload (simulated offscreen shot)
  • New core option (lightgun offscreen position) - This determines the corner in which all offscreen shots are fired (top left or bottom right) or allows the cursor to move freely along the screen edges. The Gun Reload input fires a shot at the bottom right if that fixed position is selected but fires at the top left otherwise. Leave this set to "free" if the game does not require offscreen reloading. Otherwise, only use "fixed (bottom right)" if "fixed (top left)" doesn't work
  • avalnche (Avalanche) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • blueshrk (Blue Shark) - Perfect accuracy when using the gun as a paddle controller. Use Widge-5's artwork.
  • bombbee (Bomb Bee) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • borntofi (Born to Fight) - Better accuracy
  • bshark (Battle Shark) - Better accuracy
  • cclownz (Crazzy Clownz) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • circus (Circus) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • claybust (ClayBuster) - Better accuracy. Use Widge-5's artwork
  • clowns (Clowns) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • cutieq (Cutie Q) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • deadeye (Dead Eye) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • destroyr (Destroyer) - Better accuracy
  • firefox (Firefox) - Better accuracy (except on the select screen and possibly at the very start of the game)
  • gdfs (Mobil Suit Gundam: Final Shooting) - Better accuracy
  • geebee (Gee Bee) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • greatgun (Great Guns) - Perfect accuracy
  • gypsyjug (Gypsy Juggler) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • invasnab (Invasion: The Abductors) - Perfect accuracy and working reload (must choose "fixed (bottom right)" in the "lightgun offscreen position" core option). Gun Reload button input does NOT work for this game. You must aim and shoot offscreen
  • jpark (Jurassic Park) - Better accuracy
  • lockon (Lock-On) - Better accuracy
  • luckywld (Lucky & Wild) - Better accuracy for player 2 and adjustments to default mappings. We set this up to allow several play styles, but you may want to change things to your liking.
    • Details for lr-mame2010-StormedBubbles:
      • Steering: P1 left stick X (analog), P1 D-pad left/right (digital), left/right arrow keys (digital)
      • Braking: P1 right stick Y down (analog), P1 L2 (digital), P1 D-pad down (digital), down arrow (digital)
      • Accelerating: P1 right stick Y up (analog), P1 L1/R1 (digital), P1 D-pad up (digital), up arrow (digital)
    • Details for lr-mame-StormedBubbles:
      • lr-mame has more analog controls than other MAME cores, and these unfortunately sometimes interfere with each other. As a result, we only set the things listed below as defaults.
      • The L2 and R2 buttons can be used as analog inputs in lr-mame. R2 appears as analog axis Z, while L2 appears as analog axis RZ. To map as an analog button, you'd use JOYCODE_#_ZAXIS_NEG_ABSOLUTE (R2) or JOYCODE_#_RZAXIS_NEG_ABSOLUTE (L2) under the analog section for the particular input you want (where # is the player number from 1-8). To map as a digital button, you'd use JOYCODE_#_ZAXIS_NEG_SWITCH (R2) or JOYCODE_#_RZAXIS_NEG_SWITCH (L2) under the increasing portion of the digital controls for a particular input. Be sure to clear out any analog controls for an input if using digital versions of the same buttons (and vice versa).
      • Steering: P1 left stick X (analog), left/right arrow keys (digital)
      • Braking: P1 L2 (analog), down arrow (digital)
      • Accelerating: P1 R2 (analog), up arrow (digital)
  • mazerbla (Mazer Blazer) - Better accuracy
  • mmagic (Monkey Magic) - Perfect accuracy for using the gun as a paddle controller
  • pc_duckh (PlayChoice-10 Duck Hunt) - Perfect accuracy in any video mode. You must use the gun assigned to RetroArch's port 1 and assign the gun axes in the MAME ROM-specific cfg file accordingly (GUNCODE_1 for single screen, GUNCODE_2 for stacked, GUNCODE_3 for side by side). Requires RetroArch 1.10.4+ with wide border, RetroArch 1.10.0 with wide X and fitting Y border, or older RetroArch with fitting border.
  • pc_hgaly (PlayChoice-10 Hogan's Alley) - Same as PlayChoice-10 Duck Hunt
  • pc_wgnmn (PlayChoice-10 Wild Gunman) - Same as PlayChoice-10 Duck Hunt
  • ppsatan (Poka Poka Satan) - Perfect accuracy between crosshair and gun sight. Need to display all 3 monitors on screen. Port 1 gun aims at right screen, and Port 2 gun aims at left screen (note that the player numbers are reversed in game). Only insert 1 coin to start a 1-player (dual-gun) game. The trigger acts as the start button. Need to keep trigger pulled briefly for shot to register. This can give the impression of inaccurate shots. In all game modes, either one gun must be assigned to control ports 1 and 2 or two guns must be used.
  • seawolf (Sea Wolf) - Better accuracy
  • seawolf2 (Sea Wolf II) - Better accuracy
  • sharrier (Space Harrier) - Better accuracy
  • skyraid (Sky Raider) - Better accuracy at the start of the game
  • spacwalk (Space Walk) - Better accuracy. Due to the platform changing positions at screen center, the best alignment seems to occur if the gun sight lines up with the platform's right edge on the left side of the screen and the platform's left edge on the right side of the screen (so that's what we went with).
  • tailg (Tailgunner) - Better accuracy
  • topgunnr (Top Gunner) - Better accuracy
  • triplhnt (Triple Hunt) - Adds the ability to make two clones of the game. Triple Hunt is 3 games in 1: Witch Hunt, Hit the Bear and Raccoon Hunt. Dipswitch settings in the Tab menu can switch among the three game modes, but with this hack you can make two duplicates or symlinks of the triplhnt rom, naming them and Each clone will use a separate game config, allowing you to have each instance set up for each of the game modes individually accessible directly from your RetroPie gamelist instead of having to mess around changing things in the Tab menu. Only one set of artwork/samples (named after the parent triplhnt) is needed for the whole bunch.
  • wildplt (Wild Pilot) - Better accuracy (except on the select screen)

Other cores


  • All of the same features listed above for lr-mame-StormedBubbles
  • Mission: Paintball Powered Up (pballpup) - Perfect accuracy correction. Needs "Boot from CLI" enabled in core options.
  • Star Wars: Clone Trooper Blaster Game (swclone) - Perfect accuracy correction. Needs "Boot from CLI" enabled in core options.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant & Monster Mayhem (tmntmutm) - Perfect accuracy correction


  • Virtua Cop 2 (American/Japanese standalone and Smash Pack versions) - Playable, may need "Force WinCE Mode" set to "On".
  • Ninja Assault - 2-player gaming enabled, which is not possible on regular Flycast.


  • Mazan: Flash of the Blade - This hacked fork of lr-flycast was created specifically to make Mazan playable with a mouse/lightgun. The sword defaults to a neutral position and "Gun Aux A" button can be used to slash.

lr-duckstation - a discontinued core that is no longer available via RetroPie-Setup.

  • Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James - It might be the best way to play this game on the Raspberry Pi.
  • Judge Dredd - runs, but there is only support for one lightgun so a 2-player game is not possible.

lr-swanstation - an in-development core that was forked from duckstation and not yet available via RetroPie-Setup.

  • Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James - It is capable of running this game on the Raspberry Pi.
  • Judge Dredd - runs, but there is only support for one lightgun so a 2-player game is not possible.

Installing via RetroPie-Setup (compiling the source code)

To install any of these as alternative options on your RetroPie system, copy the files from the "install_scripts" folder and place them in the /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/libretrocores folder on your Raspberry Pi 4, then run RetroPie-Setup as normal.

Be advised that lr-mame-StormedBubbles and lr-mess-StormedBubbles cannot ordinarily compile on anything less than a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8Gb of RAM. However it is possible to compile on lesser Pi4s by bloating a swapfile on your storage medium. You can do so by running the script, which will create a temporary swapfile of approximately 8Gb in size, before attempting the compile. The swapfile will be removed on the next reboot of your Pi.

lr-flycast-mazan will require the following additional step before attempting to compile: in the folder /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/libretrocores there should be an existing subfolder called lr-flycast. Either make a duplicate or symlink to this folder called lr-flycast-mazan in the same location.

Installing via pre-compiled binary

Please note, these binaries may not be the most up-to-date versions of the cores. Check the upload dates to find out when they were compiled. To install the cores via pre-compiled binaries on your Raspberry Pi, take the following steps:


  • download the file from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • extract the file from the zip and place it in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2010-StormedBubbles on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-mame2010-StormedBubbles = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2010-StormedBubbles/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from the Arcade group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


  • download the files and lr-mame2015-StormedBubbles.z01 from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • extract the file by highlighting both of the above files and extracting the contents. Then, place in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2015-StormedBubbles on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-mame2015-StormedBubbles = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2015-StormedBubbles/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from the Arcade group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


  • download the files and lr-mame2016-StormedBubbles.z01 from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • in a similar fashion to the 2015 edition, extract the file and place it in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2016-StormedBubbles on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-mame2016-StormedBubbles = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2016-StormedBubbles/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from the Arcade group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


  • download the files, lr-mame-StormedBubbles.z01 and lr-mame-StormedBubbles.z02 from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • in a similar fashion to the 2015 edition, extract the file and place it in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame-StormedBubbles on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-mame-StormedBubbles = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame-StormedBubbles/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from the Arcade group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


  • download the files, lr-mess-StormedBubbles.z01 and lr-mess-StormedBubbles.z02 from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • extract (as was done with lr-mame-StormedBubbles) and place it in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mess-StormedBubbles on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the files /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/emulators.cfg and /opt/retropie/configs/mame/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-mess-StormedBubbles = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mess-StormedBubbles/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from either the Arcade group or the Mame group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


  • download the file from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • extract the file from the zip and place it in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-flycast-flyinghead on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-flycast-flyinghead = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-flycast-flyinghead/ </dev/null --config /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from the Dreamcast group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


  • in the folder /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/libretrocores there should be an existing subfolder called lr-flycast. Either make a duplicate or symlink to this folder called lr-flycast-mazan in the same location.
  • download the file from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • extract the file from the zip and place it in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-flycast-mazan on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-flycast-mazan = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-flycast-mazan/ </dev/null --config /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from the Dreamcast group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


  • download the file from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • extract the file from the zip and place it in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-duckstation on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/psx/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-duckstation = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-duckstation/ </dev/null --config /opt/retropie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from the PSX group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


  • download the file from the compiled_binaries folder.
  • extract the file from the zip and place it in a folder called /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-swanstation on your Raspberry Pi (you may need root permissions to do this).
  • edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/psx/emulators.cfg to add the following entry (note this is one line of plain text) :
    • lr-swanstation = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-swanstation/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
  • The next time you launch a rom from the PSX group, this core will be one of the options available via runcommand.


Repository of installation scripts and binaries for unofficial and/or hacked emulators offering quality-of-life improvements for Sinden lightgun users on Raspberry Pi 4.






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