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fix up viewpoints (to allow null) and iaClass; remove old non-search …
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naknomum committed Jan 29, 2025
1 parent fc6d435 commit 0902fe9
Showing 1 changed file with 33 additions and 274 deletions.
307 changes: 33 additions & 274 deletions src/main/java/org/ecocean/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -757,18 +757,30 @@ public JSONObject getMatchingSetQuery(Shepherd myShepherd, JSONObject additional
// it seems like useClauses=false only ever was used when no taxonomy was present and basically
// returned every annotation with matchAgainst=T and an acmId
if (useClauses) {
String[] viewpoints = this.getViewpointAndNeighbors();
if (viewpoints == null) {
"WARNING: getMatchingSetQuery() could not find neighboring viewpoints for " +
return null;
if (!Util.booleanNotFalse(IA.getProperty(myShepherd.getContext(),
"ignoreViewpointMatching", this.getTaxonomy(myShepherd)))) {
String[] viewpoints = this.getViewpointAndNeighbors();
if (viewpoints == null) {
"WARNING: getMatchingSetQuery() could not find neighboring viewpoints for "
+ this);
return null;
arg = new JSONObject();
arg.put("viewpoint", new JSONArray(viewpoints));
wrapper = new JSONObject();
wrapper.put("terms", arg);
// query.getJSONObject("query").getJSONObject("bool").getJSONArray("filter").put(wrapper);
// to handle allowing null viewpoint, opensearch query gets messy!
JSONArray should = new JSONArray(
"[{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {\"field\": \"viewpoint\"}}}}]");
JSONObject bool = new JSONObject("{\"bool\": {}}");
bool.getJSONObject("bool").put("should", should);
arg = new JSONObject();
arg.put("viewpoint", new JSONArray(viewpoints));
wrapper = new JSONObject();
wrapper.put("terms", arg);
// this does either/or part/iaClass - unsure if this is correct
boolean usedPart = false;
if (Util.booleanNotFalse(IA.getProperty(myShepherd.getContext(),
"usePartsForIdentification"))) {
String part = this.getPartIfPresent();
Expand All @@ -780,8 +792,17 @@ public JSONObject getMatchingSetQuery(Shepherd myShepherd, JSONObject additional
wrapper.put("match", arg);
usedPart = true;
if (!usedPart && (this.getIAClass() != null)) {
arg = new JSONObject();
arg.put("iaClass", this.getIAClass());
wrapper = new JSONObject();
wrapper.put("match", arg);
// matchAgainst true
arg = new JSONObject();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -871,270 +892,8 @@ public ArrayList<Annotation> getMatchingSet(Shepherd myShepherd, JSONObject addi
return anns;

public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSet(Shepherd myShepherd) {
return EXgetMatchingSet(myShepherd, null);

// params (usually?) come from task.parameters
public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSet(Shepherd myShepherd, JSONObject params) {
return EXgetMatchingSet(myShepherd, params, true);

public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSet(Shepherd myShepherd, JSONObject params,
boolean useClauses) {
System.out.println("[1] EXgetMatchingSet params=" + params);
// Make sure we don't include any 'siblings' no matter how we return..
ArrayList<Annotation> anns = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
Encounter myEnc = this.findEncounter(myShepherd);
if (myEnc == null) {
System.out.println("WARNING: EXgetMatchingSet() could not find Encounter for " + this);
return anns;
System.out.println("Getting matching set for annotation. Retrieved encounter = " +
String myGenus = myEnc.getGenus();
String mySpecificEpithet = myEnc.getSpecificEpithet();
if (Util.stringExists(mySpecificEpithet) && Util.stringExists(myGenus)) {
anns = EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomyExcludingAnnotation(myShepherd, myEnc, params);
} else if (!Util.booleanNotFalse(IA.getProperty(myShepherd.getContext(),
"allowIdentificationWithoutTaxonomy"))) {
"INFO: No taxonomy found on encounter and IA property 'allowIdentificationWithoutTaxonomy' not set; empty matchingSet returned");
return anns;
} else if (useClauses) {
System.out.println("MATCHING ALL SPECIES : Filter for Annotation id=" + +
" is using viewpoint neighbors and matching parts.");
anns = EXgetMatchingSetForAnnotationAllSpeciesUseClauses(myShepherd);
} else {
"MATCHING ALL SPECIES : The parent encounter for query Annotation id=" + +
" has not specified specificEpithet and genus, and is not using clauses.");
anns = EXgetMatchingSetAllSpecies(myShepherd);
System.out.println("Did the query return any encounters? It got: " + anns.size());
return anns;

// the figure-it-out-yourself version
public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomyExcludingAnnotation(Shepherd myShepherd,
JSONObject params) {
return EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomyExcludingAnnotation(myShepherd,
this.findEncounter(myShepherd), params);

// note: this also excludes "sibling annots" (in same encounter)
public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomyExcludingAnnotation(Shepherd myShepherd,
Encounter enc, JSONObject params) {
return EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomyExcludingAnnotation(myShepherd, enc, params, true);

public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomyExcludingAnnotation(Shepherd myShepherd,
Encounter enc, JSONObject params, boolean filterIAClass) {
String filter = "";

if ((enc == null) || !Util.stringExists(enc.getGenus()) ||
!Util.stringExists(enc.getSpecificEpithet())) return null;
else if (enc.getSpecificEpithet().equals("sp")) {
filter = "SELECT FROM org.ecocean.Annotation WHERE matchAgainst " +
this.EXgetMatchingSetFilterFromParameters(params) +
this.getIAClass()) + this.EXgetMatchingSetFilterViewpointClause(myShepherd) +
this.getPartClause(myShepherd) + " && acmId != null && enc.catalogNumber != '" +
enc.getCatalogNumber() + "' && enc.annotations.contains(this) && enc.genus == '" +
enc.getGenus() + "' VARIABLES org.ecocean.Encounter enc";
// do we need to worry about our annot living in another encounter? i hope not!
else {
filter = "SELECT FROM org.ecocean.Annotation WHERE matchAgainst " +
this.EXgetMatchingSetFilterFromParameters(params) +
this.getIAClass()) + this.EXgetMatchingSetFilterViewpointClause(myShepherd) +
this.getPartClause(myShepherd) + " && acmId != null && enc.catalogNumber != '" +
// + "' && enc.annotations.contains(this) && enc.genus == '" + enc.getGenus()
+ "' && enc.annotations.contains(this)" + " && enc.specificEpithet == '" +
enc.getSpecificEpithet() + "' VARIABLES org.ecocean.Encounter enc";
if (filter.matches(".*\\buser\\b.*")) filter += "; org.ecocean.User user";
if (filter.matches(".*\\bproject\\b.*")) filter += "; org.ecocean.Project project";
return EXgetMatchingSetForFilter(myShepherd, filter);

// gets everything, no exclusions (e.g. for cacheing)
public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomy(Shepherd myShepherd, String genus,
String specificEpithet, JSONObject params) {
String filter = "";

if (!Util.stringExists(genus) || !Util.stringExists(specificEpithet)) return null;
else if (specificEpithet.equals("sp")) {
filter =
"SELECT FROM org.ecocean.Annotation WHERE matchAgainst && acmId != null && enc.annotations.contains(this) && enc.genus == '"
+ genus + "' VARIABLES org.ecocean.Encounter enc";
} else {
filter =
"SELECT FROM org.ecocean.Annotation WHERE matchAgainst && acmId != null && enc.annotations.contains(this) && enc.genus == '"
+ genus + "' && enc.specificEpithet == '" + specificEpithet +
"' VARIABLES org.ecocean.Encounter enc";
return EXgetMatchingSetForFilter(myShepherd, filter);

public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomy(Shepherd myShepherd,
JSONObject params) {
Encounter enc = this.findEncounter(myShepherd);

if (enc == null) return null;
return EXgetMatchingSetForTaxonomy(myShepherd, enc.getGenus(), enc.getSpecificEpithet(),

// pass in a generic SELECT filter query string and get back Annotations
static public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSetForFilter(Shepherd myShepherd,
String filter) {
if (filter == null) return null;
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("INFO: EXgetMatchingSetForFilter filter = " + filter);
Query query = myShepherd.getPM().newQuery(filter);
Collection c = (Collection)query.execute();
Iterator it = c.iterator();
ArrayList<Annotation> anns = new ArrayList<Annotation>(c.size());
while (it.hasNext()) {
Annotation ann = (Annotation);
if (!IBEISIA.validForIdentification(ann)) continue;
System.out.println("INFO: EXgetMatchingSetForFilter found " + anns.size() + " annots (" +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms)");
return anns;

// If you don't specify a species, still take into account viewpoint and parts
public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSetForAnnotationAllSpeciesUseClauses(
Shepherd myShepherd) {
return EXgetMatchingSetForFilter(myShepherd,
"SELECT FROM org.ecocean.Annotation WHERE matchAgainst " +
this.EXgetMatchingSetFilterViewpointClause(myShepherd) +
this.getPartClause(myShepherd) + " && acmId != null");

static public ArrayList<Annotation> EXgetMatchingSetAllSpecies(Shepherd myShepherd) {
return EXgetMatchingSetForFilter(myShepherd,
"SELECT FROM org.ecocean.Annotation WHERE matchAgainst && acmId != null");

static public ArrayList<Annotation> getAllMatchAgainstTrue(Shepherd myShepherd) {
return EXgetMatchingSetForFilter(myShepherd,
"SELECT FROM org.ecocean.Annotation WHERE matchAgainst");

// will construnct "&& (viewpoint == null || viewpoint == 'x' || viewpoint == 'y')" for use above
// note: will return "" when this annot has no (valid) viewpoint
private String EXgetMatchingSetFilterViewpointClause(Shepherd myShepherd) {
String[] viewpoints = this.getViewpointAndNeighbors();

if (viewpoints == null) return "";
else if (getTaxonomy(myShepherd) != null && IA.getProperty(myShepherd.getContext(),
getTaxonomy(myShepherd)) != null && IA.getProperty(myShepherd.getContext(),
"ignoreViewpointMatching", getTaxonomy(myShepherd)).equals("true")) return "";
String clause = "&& (viewpoint == null || viewpoint == '" +
String.join("' || viewpoint == '", Arrays.asList(viewpoints)) + "')";
System.out.println("VIEWPOINT CLAUSE: " + clause);
return clause;

private String EXgetMatchingSetFilterIAClassClause(boolean filterIAClass, String iaClass) {
if (!filterIAClass) return "";
String iaClassClause = " && iaClass.equals('" + iaClass + "') ";
return iaClassClause;

private String getPartClause(Shepherd myShepherd) {
String clause = "";
String useParts = IA.getProperty(myShepherd.getContext(), "usePartsForIdentification");

System.out.println("PART CLAUSE: usePartsForIdentification=" + useParts);
if ("true".equals(useParts)) {
String part = this.getPartIfPresent();
if (!"".equals(part) && part != null) {
clause = " && iaClass.endsWith('" + part + "') ";
System.out.println("PART CLAUSE: " + clause);
return clause;
return clause;

// note, we are give *full* task.parameters; by convention, we only act on task.parameters.matchingSetFilter
// > > > ATTENTION! if you change this method, please also adjust accordingly getCurvrankDailyTag() below!! < < <
private String EXgetMatchingSetFilterFromParameters(JSONObject taskParams) {
if (taskParams == null) return "";
String userId = taskParams.optString("userId", null);
JSONObject j = taskParams.optJSONObject("matchingSetFilter");
if (j == null) return "";
String f = "";

// locationId=FOO and locationIds=[FOO,BAR]
boolean useNullLocation = false;
List<String> rawLocationIds = new ArrayList<String>();
String tmp = Util.basicSanitize(j.optString("locationId", null));
if (Util.stringExists(tmp)) rawLocationIds.add(tmp);
JSONArray larr = j.optJSONArray("locationIds");
if (larr != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < larr.length(); i++) {
tmp = Util.basicSanitize(larr.optString(i));
if ("__NULL__".equals(tmp)) {
useNullLocation = true;
} else if (Util.stringExists(tmp) && !rawLocationIds.contains(tmp)) {
List<String> expandedLocationIds = LocationID.expandIDs(rawLocationIds);
String locFilter = "";
if (expandedLocationIds.size() > 0) {
// locFilter += "enc.locationID == ''";
// loc ID's were breaking for Hawaiian names with apostrophe(s) and stuff, so overkill now

String literal = "{";
for (int i = 0; i < expandedLocationIds.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) literal += ",";
String expandedLoc = expandedLocationIds.get(i);
expandedLoc = expandedLoc.replaceAll("'", "\\\\'");
literal += "'" + expandedLoc + "'";
literal += "}";
locFilter = literal + ".contains(enc.locationID)";
if (useNullLocation) {
if (!locFilter.equals("")) locFilter += " || ";
locFilter = "(" + locFilter + " enc.locationID == null" + ")";
if (!locFilter.equals("")) f += " && " + locFilter + " ";
// "owner" ... which requires we have userId in the taskParams
JSONArray owner = j.optJSONArray("owner");
if ((owner != null) && (userId != null)) {
for (int i = 0; i < owner.length(); i++) {
String opt = owner.optString(i, null);
if (!Util.stringExists(opt)) continue;
if (opt.equals("me"))
f += " && user.uuid == '" + userId +
"' && (enc.submitters.contains(user) || enc.submitterID == user.username) ";
// TODO: also handle user "collab"
// add projectID to filter
String projectId = j.optString("projectId", null);
if (Util.stringExists(projectId)) {
System.out.println("----> Adding PROJECT ID to matching set filter");
f += " && == '" + projectId + "' && project.encounters.contains(enc) ";
return f;

sorta weird to have this in here, but it is inherently linked with EXgetMatchingSetXXX() above ...
sorta weird to have this in here, but it is inherently linked with getMatchingSetXXX() above ...
this is a string that uniquely identifies the matchingSet, dependent of content (e.g. cant be based on content uuids)
public String getCurvrankDailyTag(JSONObject taskParams) {
Expand Down

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