###Copyright (c) 2016 Affectiva Inc.
The Affdex SDK is covered by our SDK License Agreement
The AffdexMe app is covered by the MIT license. See the file license.txt for copying permission.
AffdexMe is an app that demonstrates the use of the Affectiva iOS SDK. It uses the camera on your iOS device to view, process and analyze live video of your face. Start the app and you will see your face on the screen and metrics describing your expressions.
For developer documentation, sample code, and other information, please visit our website: http://developer.affectiva.com
The SDK License Agreement is available at: http://developer.affectiva.com/sdklicense
This is an Xcode 7 project.
In order to use this project, you will need to:
- Obtain the Affectiva iOS SDK (visit http://www.affectiva.com/solutions/apis-sdks/)
- Have a valid CocoaPods installation on your machine
- Install the Affdex SDK on your machine using the Podfile:
pod install
- Open the Xcode workspace file AffdexMe-iOS.xcworkspace -- not the .xcodeproj file.
- Build the project for your simulator or device. The simulator supports video file processing since it cannot access the Mac camera. Build and run on a iPad or iPhone to capture your own video.
- Run the app and smile!
This app uses some of the excellent Emoji One emojis.