This is a bot made to replace WCSBot
which is currently deprecated. The bot utilizes powerful web technologies such as Node.js to write a Discord bot such as WCSBot2
. Made by Nathan and Max.
npm install
- installs all the Node.js dependencies- Configure
npm start
ornpm run dev
There are many options for deploying this bot. We are currently deploying this bot on a private Digital Ocean droplet :)
- Some VPS that runs Node
- Package as a Docker image then put it somewhere that runs Docker (Docker Engine, Kubernetes, etc.)
- Heroku --> configure a
dyno (Procfile
not included currently)
- Self-assigned Roles
- Suggest a topic!
- Misc. features (help, rules, etc...)
SUBMIT your suggestions here! Select the pen
icon then suggest the changes, press commit
and make a "pull request".
- move to separate repo and add it back here as a submodule
- Dockerize bot!
- route logs to the logging channel as well
- use PM2 instead
- converting to using Typescript instead
- other useful development tools (eg. eslint, coverage, CIs, etc.)
- status badge