- Requirements
- Python3
- Screen GNU
- Configure path to this scripts functions
- Push 3 params to script
like./execute.sh 1 2 3
1: (1) Update core game and mods (2) Update only core game (3) Update only mods 2: Steam user 3: Steam pass - This script are fully compatibility with several instances of Arma game / users linux
- If a mod download fails it will retry to download (typical error in steamcmd when mods are heavy)
But you will have to configure and modify some things commented in the scripts
- Enjoy!
- Advices
- Create an alias with user and pass to each action
- Place files on /opt/update_arma
- The script will generate a file
with a log of the application - Care,
does not run the script on background, if you use CTRL+C, you will broke the process - You can create a cronjob which execute this script every day