A Simple and Stylish HUD for TF2
If you want to keep up with updates or have ideas join the steam group:
Screenshot Album
- Click the Download ZIP button to download the compressed archive
- Find your Steam install directory and go to \SteamApps\Common\Team Fortress 2\tf
- Make a folder called
if you dont already have one - Extract the IsaacHUD folder from the zip file into the custom folder.
##The following steps are not required but reccomended:##
- In advanced options check the "TargetID - Disable Floating Healthbar" mark
- set the TargetID Alpha to 255
Overrides are included in the overrides
folder. If you want to see more you can suggest one here.
##Custom Crosshairs##
- Open the hudlayout.res file inside the scripts folder.
- Find the FogCrosshairs part (its the first one, so it should be easy to find it)
- Enable the crosshair by changing the value of visible to 1
- Change the value of labelText to the number you selected from Crosshairs.png
- You can set the color and opacity of the crosshair by changing the RGBA value of fgcolor
- If the crosshair you selected is not fully at the center, play around with the x and y positions
##Transparent Viewmodels##
Open the hudlayout.res file inside the scripts folder.
Find the Transparent Viewmodels part
Enable Transparent Viewmodel by changing the value of visible to 1
Navigate to Team Fortress 2/tf/cfg
Make a text file called autoexec.cfg if you dont have one
Paste in the following comands:
mat_motion_blur_enabled 1
mat_motion_blur_strength 0
mat_disable_bloom 1
mat_hdr_level 0
- Pulep™ for screenshots
- Pile for screenshots and testing
- TurelHun for testing
- misterbilder for testing and ideas