Lichen is an experimental music/dsp livecoding environement. It is under heavy construction right now so everything is subject to change at anytime.
Lichen is a symbiotic organism. DSP code in cpp is made composable at runtime by lua scripts. Right now, there is a plugin for the micro text editor that lets you run lichen and send it scripts to run. Lichen then turns that script into a signal that is played on your soundcard.
I hope Lichen will be a way first and formost to make music, allowing the artist to think about sound and synthesis in the same language that they think about rythm, form, and melody. I also want the artist to be able to manipulate time direcly as a means of expressing music.
I also hope that it can separate concerns well enough to have a DSP library that can be used in a variety of platforms, including low power and/or embedded. Lichen will hopefully be a tool that can be used to quickly prototype ideas for instruments which can then be translated to efficient cpp code.
- follow build and install instructions below.
- install the text editor, micro
- install the micro-lichen plugin
- open micro and save a new file containing
return osc(440.0)
- press
to send the code to lichen. - you should hear a sine tone playing an A natural.
- install libsoundio and dev headers (on ubuntu this is on apt)
git submodule update --init
to get sol3 for lua scriptingcmake .
cmake .
make test
- if ubuntu linux run
make install
- if any other platform copy
to where your OS stores installed programs (ex./usr/bin
on my machine.)