Feature/Bug relates to artificial intelligence.
Bug/Feature relates to aircraft.
Bug/Feature relates to a native API.
Bug relates to compilation of the software.
Bug was part of upstream at one point, but doesn't exist in the YSCE codebase.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Reporter has included a potential solution to the bug.
Bug/Feature relates to graphics subsystems.
Bug/Feature relates to ground objects.
PR has outstanding conflicts that need to be remedied.
Extra attention is needed
Bug/Feature relates to input.
Bug/Feature relates to localization.
Feature is expected to be developed over time as other features are added or fleshed out.
Relates to the repository or to the YSCEDC at large.
Bug/Feature relates to miscelleanous systems.
Bug needs tested to replicate issue.
Bug/Feature relates to netcode.
Bug does not discriminate against OS
Feature request is currently out of scope of the project at this time.
Bug/Feature relates to physics/aerodynamics.
Bug affects a specific operating system or architecture.
PR is ready to merge upon review.
Further information is requested
This issue is a component of a roadmap milestone.