💡 Hello everyone,I'm engineering student. Love to code , exploring Data Science these days. I enjoy collaborating with people on works of similar interest.
🌱 I'm on track for learning more about Software Development, Web Development and FullStack Development.
✍️ Apart from technical interests, I like dancing,watching movies, reading novels, playing Chess and badminton.
💬 Feel free to reach out to me for general consulting, or discussions
✉️ You can email me at [email protected]. I'll try to respond as soon as possible!
📄 You can check my Resume for more details about work experience.
Project Name | Description |
Document Submission System | Project on developing a fully working dynamic document submission portal using React.js, Node,js and MySQL. |
FoodStack | This is a python and Django project , using this website you can order delicious Food it's a food ordering website. |
Taskbuddy | It is create using js and React it's a Task management application |
Personal Portfolio | This is my personal personal-portfolio website. Have a look [https://portofolio-yash.vercel.app/] |