CAR controlled by ESPnow protocol. ESP32 in the RC unit, Wemos ESP8266+motor control in the tank.
WemosD1 mini + Wemos motor Shield Pinout: D1 mini GPIO -> Motor Shield D1 5 SCL D2 4 SDA RST RST RST
Powering Wemos D1 mini: from USB or 5V pin (4-6V). It goes to ME6211 voltage regulator to power the ESP block. 3.3V is avialable as output also.
Analog pin: only ome (A0) Digital pins: 8 D0 IO GPIO 16 D1 IO/SCL GPIO 5 D2 IO/SDA GPIO 4 D3 IO/10K pullup GPIO 0 D4 IO/10K pullup, builin Led GPIO 2 D5 IO/SCK GPIO 14 D6 IO/MISO GPIO 12 D7 IO/MOSI GPIO 2 D8 IO/10K pullup, SS GPIO 2
Motor Shield: I2C interface: DCL/SDA pins have 4.7K pullups VM: Motors power (15V max) Current: 1.2A Avr, 3.2A peak max CW/CCW/short brake/stop motor control modes (Clock Wise, CounterClockWize)
Note: Motor shield s of WEMOS often don't work out of the box. Need to reporgram firmware. Look here: