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Info Format

Daniel Tischner edited this page May 20, 2018 · 2 revisions
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The backend uses .info files to optimize the initialization process.

They are automatically created if not present. Their location can be configured, see Configuration.

Usages include:

  • External database, if used
  • Graph cache, if used


An .info file represents a table, structured as .tsv file. Each row has two columns, separated by a TAB character:

  • Path - Path to a data file
  • Timestamp - Timestamp of when the data file was last modified, in milliseconds since epoch

An example might look like

res\input\osm\reduced_freiburg-regbez-latest.osm	1526318490998
res\input\osm\vitoria.osm	1526318491057


Entries represent the contents of the corresponding cache. If a cache was constructed using three data-sets, the file will contain three rows. One entry per data-set, together with a timestamp of when they were last modified at the time of construction.

If the backend uses the cached data it will, when reading data-sets, only consider files which are either not already contained in the cache or were modified since then.