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Zenhub Enterprise 4.2.1

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@cwarje cwarje released this 28 Jun 16:30
· 6 commits to master since this release

These release notes are for Zenhub Enterprise for Virtual Machine and Zenhub Enterprise for Kubernetes.

  • For all users using Zenhub on, please check out our new feature announcements on our product changelog.
  • For administrators planning upgrades, please refer to the "Important Upgrade Instructions for Administrators" section.

GitHub Enterprise Server compatibility

Zenhub Enterprise 4.2.1 supports GitHub Enterprise versions: 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13

What's new in Zenhub Enterprise 4.2.1

We are thrilled to announce the release of Zenhub Enterprise 4.2.1 which contains a range of changes and security updates. Additionally, this release has been tested against the newly released Github Enterprise Server 3.13 and is compatible.


No new features in this release

Security Fixes

  • Package security updates
  • Patched an application security vulnerability

Bug Fixes

  • No bug fixes in this release


  • Updated PostgreSQL configuration for improved performance
  • Updated upgrade bundle to improve reliability of upgrades
  • Compatible with GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13

Known Issues

  • Mozilla recently raised the minimum Firefox version required to run published Firefox extensions from 52.0 to 58.0. This results in failed validation during upload of the Zenhub Firefox extension. Until a fix is released, the workaround is to extract the, update strict_min_version at the bottom of the manifest.json file from 52.0 to 58.0, and re-zip the bundle before upload. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].

VM Embedded Component Versions

Component Version
Ubuntu 22.04.4
K3s v1.27.11+k3s1
Kubernetes v1.27.11
Kustomize v4.5.3
Fluentd v1.16.2-debian-1.0
Postgresql 15.4
MongoDB 5.0.24
RabbitMQ 3.8.35
Redis 7.0.12
PgBouncer 1.20.1

Important Upgrade Instructions for Administrators

Zenhub Enterprise for Virtual Machine

This version of ZHE newly supports skipping a feature version during the upgrade. This means you can now upgrade two feature versions at a time! For this release, you can upgrade from v4.0.X, or v4.1.X.

Zenhub Enterprise for Kubernetes

  • The new suggested MongoDB version for Zenhub Enterprise v4.2 is the latest version of MongoDB v5.0. Please pay attention to the list of MongoDB v5.0 patch versions that should be avoided for production use here: We suggest upgrading to MongoDB v5.0 prior to upgrading Zenhub Enterprise to v4.2.

  • Some extra upgrade instructions have been added specifically for this release due to some database changes that accompany the application updates. Please follow the upgrade instructions below for this release:

⚠️ NOTE: The minimum version of Kubernetes required to run ZHE 4.2 is now v1.27.

1. Prepare

  • Get the kustomization.yaml you configured to setup Zenhub
  • Perform a diff to make sure no outstanding changes are waiting to be applied
kustomize build . | kubectl diff -f-

It should exit 0 and only display a warning of unused variables. If changes are pending, apply them before starting the upgrade process.

  • Make a copy of your existing kustomization.yaml and keep it handy for the next step

2. Update kustomization.yaml

  • Check out the zenhub-enterprise repository at the tag of this release
  • Populate the new kustomization.yaml with your existing configuration values

Be sure to replace any additional customized configuration (such as ingress, TLS configuration) with your original configuration from before as well.

  • In ZHE 4.0 and onwards, secret_key_base is required to be a 42 byte string, any existing 38 byte string should be updated as described in kustomization.yaml
  • If you are using your own registry and not Zenhub's registry, upload the new images tagged with this release to your registry.

3. Run

Once you have setup all the configurations in your copy of kustomization.yaml and are ready to deploy to your cluster, you must run the script that will fill placeholders in our Kubernetes manifests with your configuration values.

To run the script, navigate to the root of the directory containing your kustomization.yaml file, which also contains the script. Then, run the script with these two commands:

chmod 700

4. Application updates

In your new kustomization.yaml, confirm that the cluster image tags are set to the new images for this release:

If you are using your own registry, ensure that the newName fields are configured for that instead of Zenhub's

  - name: kraken-webapp
    newTag: zhe-4.2.1
  - name: kraken-extension
    newTag: zhe-4.2.1
  - name: kraken-zhe-admin
    newTag: zhe-4.2.1
  - name: raptor-backend
    newTag: zhe-4.2.1
  - name: toad-backend
    newTag: zhe-4.2.1
  - name: sanitycheck
    newTag: zhe-4.2.1
  - name: devsite
    newTag: zhe-4.2.1
  - name: busybox
    newTag: latest
  - name: nginx
    newTag: latest
  • First, delete any raptor-db-migrate and sanitycheck jobs so they may be recreated without errors:

Make sure the status of the jobs are Complete and not Running

kubectl -n <your_dedicated_namespace> delete job/raptor-db-migrate job/sanitycheck
  • Then perform a diff to check what the upgrade will do (this command must be run from the directory that contains your kustomization.yaml
kustomize build . | kubectl diff -f-
  • If everything looks correct and there are no errors, you can deploy to the cluster via:
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f-

5. Database Changes for Zenhub Enterprise for Kubernetes

⚠️ NOTE: For upgrading to Zenhub Enterprise version 4.2 from 4.0.X, Zenhub will require a manual change to the PostgreSQL schema.
A constraint called pih_no_overlap from the pipeline_issue_histories table is required to be dropped and replaced.

To do this, you may follow the following steps:

  1. Ensure you have a backup of the existing PostgreSQL database. Implementation may vary depending on the PostgreSQL service provider
  2. Perform the following while connected to the PostgreSQL database:
ALTER table pipeline_issue_histories DROP CONSTRAINT pih_no_overlap;
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.pipeline_issue_histories
    ADD CONSTRAINT pih_no_overlap EXCLUDE USING gist (workspace_id WITH =, issue_id WITH =, tsrange(started_at, ended_at, '[)'::text) WITH &&) DEFERRABLE;
  1. Verify the completion of the above with the following PostgreSQL command which should return an empty result:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE query LIKE '%public.pipeline_issue_histories%';

Next, proceed to run the regular data migration script.

⚠️ NOTE: Running this script is only required if you are upgrading from ZHE 4.0.X
⚠️ NOTE: If you are using stunnel, be sure to uncomment the relevant sections in update/batch_v1_job_data_migration.yaml

  • Run the script found in k8s-cluster/update/ via the commands below:

If you use the ZenHub registry

cd update
./ yourNamespace

If you use your own registry

cd update
./ yourNamespace yourRegistryName

6. Re Deploy Application

⚠️ NOTE: Running these commands is only required if you are upgrading from ZHE 4.0.X

The data migration script run in the previous step will have scaled down the application in order to safely migrate data without active database writes occurring. Now that the migration is complete, the application needs to be deployed to the normal desired operational state:

  • First perform a diff to check what will change (this command must be run from the directory that contains your kustomization.yaml
kustomize build . | kubectl diff -f-
  • If everything looks correct and there are no errors, you can deploy to the cluster via:
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f-

7. Finalize

  • Securely store the updated kustomization.yaml