chore(deps): update slackapi/slack-github-action action to v1.27.1 #106
GitHub Actions / Unit Tests Results
Nov 21, 2024 in 0s
Unit Tests Results ✔️
✔️ Smartway.UiComponent.UnitTests/TestResults/test-results-unittests.trx
28 tests were completed in 2s with 28 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
Smartway.UiComponent.UnitTests.Inputs.Barcode.OnTextChanged | 2✔️ | 86ms | ||
Smartway.UiComponent.UnitTests.Inputs.NumericDateEntryTest.NumericDateEntryTest | 26✔️ | 136ms |
✔️ Smartway.UiComponent.UnitTests.Inputs.Barcode.OnTextChanged
✔️ GencodeFilledWithNotDigitChar
✔️ ValidGencodeFilled
✔️ Smartway.UiComponent.UnitTests.Inputs.NumericDateEntryTest.NumericDateEntryTest
✔️ CustomCultureFilledDate(deviceCulture: "fr-FR", customCulture: "fr-FR", year: 2024, expectedYear: 2024)
✔️ CustomCultureFilledDate(deviceCulture: "fr-FR", customCulture: "th-TH", year: 2024, expectedYear: 2024)
✔️ CustomCultureFilledDate(deviceCulture: "th-TH", customCulture: "fr-FR", year: 2024, expectedYear: 2024)
✔️ CustomCultureFilledDate(deviceCulture: "th-TH", customCulture: "th-TH", year: 2024, expectedYear: 2024)
✔️ CustomCulturePlaceholder(deviceCulture: "fr-FR", customCulture: "fr-FR", year: 2024, expectedYear: "24")
✔️ CustomCulturePlaceholder(deviceCulture: "fr-FR", customCulture: "th-TH", year: 2024, expectedYear: "67")
✔️ CustomCulturePlaceholder(deviceCulture: "th-TH", customCulture: "fr-FR", year: 2024, expectedYear: "81")
✔️ CustomCulturePlaceholder(deviceCulture: "th-TH", customCulture: "th-TH", year: 2024, expectedYear: "24")
✔️ DefaultPlaceholder(culture: "en-EN", day: "DD", month: "MM", year: "YY")
✔️ DefaultPlaceholder(culture: "en-US", day: "DD", month: "MM", year: "YY")
✔️ DefaultPlaceholder(culture: "es-ES", day: "JJ", month: "MM", year: "AA")
✔️ DefaultPlaceholder(culture: "fr-FR", day: "JJ", month: "MM", year: "AA")
✔️ DefaultPlaceholder(culture: "it-IT", day: "JJ", month: "MM", year: "AA")
✔️ DefaultPlaceholder(culture: "ro-RO", day: "JJ", month: "MM", year: "AA")
✔️ DefaultPlaceholder(culture: "ru-RU", day: "JJ", month: "MM", year: "AA")
✔️ FilledCorrect
✔️ FilledUncorrectDate(day: "10", month: "02", year: "-1")
✔️ FilledUncorrectDate(day: "10", month: "90", year: "22")
✔️ FilledUncorrectDate(day: "31", month: "02", year: "22")
✔️ MonthDayOrderCulture(culture: "en-EN", expectedFirst: "10", expectedSecond: "06")
✔️ MonthDayOrderCulture(culture: "en-US", expectedFirst: "10", expectedSecond: "06")
✔️ MonthDayOrderCulture(culture: "es-ES", expectedFirst: "06", expectedSecond: "10")
✔️ MonthDayOrderCulture(culture: "fr-FR", expectedFirst: "06", expectedSecond: "10")
✔️ MonthDayOrderCulture(culture: "it-IT", expectedFirst: "06", expectedSecond: "10")
✔️ MonthDayOrderCulture(culture: "ro-RO", expectedFirst: "06", expectedSecond: "10")
✔️ MonthDayOrderCulture(culture: "ru-RU", expectedFirst: "06", expectedSecond: "10")